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When Roger West first launched the progressive political blog "News From The Other Side" in May 2010, he could hardly have predicted the impact that his venture would have on the media and political debate. As the New Media emerged as a counterbalance to established media sources, Roger wrote his copious blogs about national politics, the tea party movement, mid-term elections, and the failings of the radical right to the vanguard of the New Media movement. Roger West's efforts as a leading blogger have tremendous reach. NFTOS has led the effort to bring accountability to mainstream media sources such as FOX NEWS, Breitbart's "Big Journalism. Roger's breadth of experience, engaging style, and cultivation of loyal readership - over 92 million visitors - give him unique insight into the past, present, and future of the New Media and political rhetoric that exists in our society today. What we are against: Radical Right Wing Agendas Incompetent Establishment Donald J. Trump Corporate Malfeasence We are for: Global and Econmoic Security Social and Economic Justice Media Accountability THE RESISTANCE

Thursday, August 8, 2024



Donald Trump’s legacy is steeped in deceit, corruption, and an almost pathological disregard for ethics and decency. His business empire, far from being a beacon of success, is littered with failed ventures and bankruptcies that reveal a chronic inability to sustain anything of lasting value. The fraudulent nature of Trump University stands as a monument to his willingness to exploit the vulnerable for personal gain, resulting in a $25 million settlement for defrauding students who trusted his empty promises. His record as a businessman is not one of triumph, but of financial irresponsibility, deceit, and a cavalier attitude toward the consequences of his actions on others.

In the realm of politics and personal conduct, Trump’s behavior is equally abhorrent. His presidency was marked by a relentless assault on truth and decency, culminating in over 30,000 documented false or misleading claims during his time in office. His disdain for the rule of law is evident in the numerous legal battles he has faced, from obstructing justice during the Mueller investigation to inciting an insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. Trump's life and career are a testament to his willingness to trample on ethics, legality, and human decency in pursuit of power and wealth, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake.

Just a few tidbits on Fuckface Von Clownstick below:

Trump Taj Mahal (1991):

Trump’s casino in Atlantic City declared bankruptcy due to high debt load.
Restructured debts and agreed to cede half his stake to bondholders.

Trump Plaza Hotel (1992):

Entered Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
Trump gave up a 49% stake and lost control to Citibank and other lenders.

Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts (2004):

Filed for bankruptcy due to $1.8 billion in debt.
Trump relinquished control, keeping a minority stake.

Trump Entertainment Resorts (2009):

Filed for bankruptcy protection, the third bankruptcy involving this entity.
Trump resigned from the board but retained a small stake.


Trump Airlines (1988-1992):

Purchased Eastern Air Shuttle, rebranded it, but failed due to high operational costs and debt.
Eventually sold to USAir.

Trump Vodka (2006-2011):

Launched to capture premium vodka market, but sales were poor.
Production ceased due to lack of demand.

Trump Mortgage (2006-2007):

Launched amid the housing market boom but closed quickly due to poor performance and the 2007 financial crisis.

Trump: The Game (1989):

A board game similar to Monopoly, but it did not sell well and was discontinued.

Trump Steaks (2007):

Sold via The Sharper Image and QVC but failed due to poor sales and gouging high prices.

Trump University (2005-2010):

A for-profit education company offering real estate training, shut down due to lawsuits for fraud.

Trump Magazine (2007-2009):

Lifestyle magazine targeting affluent readers, ceased publication due to low circulation and advertising revenue.

Trump Ice:

Bottled water brand, struggled to compete in the market and eventually faded out. (2006-2007):

Online travel agency, failed to attract significant user base and shut down within a year.

Trump Network (2009-2012):

Multi-level marketing company selling vitamins and health products, faced lawsuits and eventually closed.

Trumped! Radio Show:

Syndicated radio program that struggled with ratings and was discontinued.


Civil Rights Lawsuit (1973):

DOJ sued Trump Management for racial discrimination in housing.

Allegations included practices to avoid renting to black tenants and misrepresenting the availability of apartments to black applicants.

Trump University Lawsuit:

Class action lawsuits in New York and California alleged fraud and false advertising.
Settled for $25 million in 2016.

ACN Lawsuit:

Alleged pyramid scheme involving investment in a telecommunications company promoted by Trump.
Case settled confidentially.

Various Contractor Lawsuits:

Numerous lawsuits from contractors alleging non-payment or underpayment for work on Trump properties.

Defamation Lawsuits:

Stormy Daniels: Trump was sued for defamation after denying an alleged affair. Case dismissed, and Daniels was ordered to pay Trump's legal fees.

Summer Zervos: Former Apprentice contestant who accused Trump of sexual misconduct sued for defamation. Case dismissed after Trump left office.

E. Jean Carroll: Accused Trump of sexual assault in the 1990s; Trump called her a liar, and she sued for defamation. Ongoing as of 2024.

Doe 174: Filed a lawsuit in 2016 alleging that Trump had raped her when she was 13 years old. The case was dropped later that year due "katie Johnson's" life being threatened. 

Trump Foundation Lawsuit:

New York Attorney General sued for misuse of charitable funds.
Foundation dissolved and Trump paid $2 million in damages.

Trump SoHo Lawsuit:

Investors in Trump SoHo alleged fraud and misleading statements about sales.
Settled out of court.

Trump Ocean Club International Hotel and Tower Lawsuit:

Lawsuit from investors in Panama City property claiming mismanagement and fraud.
Case settled.

Trump Model Management Lawsuit:

Class-action lawsuit by former models alleging poor treatment and breach of contract.
Settled confidentially.

Trump National Golf Club Lawsuits:

Multiple lawsuits regarding membership fee disputes and contractual issues.

Emoluments Clause Lawsuits:

Lawsuits claiming Trump violated the Constitution's Emoluments Clauses by profiting from foreign and domestic governments during his presidency.

Criminal Record and Investigations

Mueller Investigation:

Special Counsel Robert Mueller investigated Russian interference in the 2016 election and potential obstruction of justice.

No charges were filed against Trump, but several associates were convicted.


First Impeachment (2019): Charged with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress related to Ukraine scandal; acquitted by the Senate.

Second Impeachment (2021): Charged with incitement of insurrection following the January 6th Capitol riot; acquitted by the Senate.

Stormy Daniels Hush Money:

Investigations into hush money payments to silence allegations of an affair; led to the conviction of Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen.

New York State Investigations:

Ongoing investigations by the New York Attorney General and Manhattan District Attorney into Trump’s financial dealings, tax practices, and business operations. Convicted by a jury of his peers. 34 felony convictions.

Classified Documents Case:

Federal investigation into Trump's handling of classified documents taken from the White House to Mar-a-Lago.

Georgia Election Interference Investigation:

Investigation into Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election results in Georgia, including his call to Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.

January 6th Capitol Riot:

Investigation into Trump’s role in the insurrection and whether his actions constituted incitement or other criminal behavior.

Arizona Election Fraud Investigation:

Investigations and audits in Arizona concerning the 2020 presidential election results, often influenced by Trump’s claims of widespread election fraud. The Maricopa County audit found no substantial evidence of fraud.


New York Times Report:

Reported that Trump paid little to no federal income taxes in several years; ongoing investigations into potential tax fraud and evasion.

Other Controversies and Issues

Central Park Five:

Trump took out full-page ads in 1989 calling for the death penalty for five teenagers wrongfully convicted of assaulting a jogger; never apologized after their exoneration.

Trump Foundation:

Misuse of charitable funds led to the dissolution of the foundation and settlement of $2 million to various charities.

Trump Organization:

Ongoing criminal and civil investigations into the business practices of the Trump Organization, including potential tax and insurance fraud.

Recorded False or Misleading Statements

Fact-Checking by The Washington Post:

According to The Washington Post, Trump made over 30,573 false or misleading claims during his presidency. This figure is based on their rigorous fact-checking database and includes a wide range of statements on various topics made in speeches, tweets, interviews, and other public communications.

Donald Trump’s legacy is one of moral decay and unbridled narcissism, a man whose life has been a relentless pursuit of self-interest at the expense of truth, integrity, and the well-being of others. His business failures, marred by bankruptcies and fraud, are not isolated incidents but a pattern of behavior that extends to every facet of his existence, including his disgraceful tenure in the White House. Trump has left behind a trail of broken promises, shattered lives, and a deeply divided nation. His actions have revealed a profound disregard for the principles that uphold justice and democracy, culminating in a presidency defined by lies, corruption, and a willingness to incite violence to cling to power. Trump’s name will forever be synonymous with the degradation of American values and the depths to which a man can sink in pursuit of his own ego.

MAGA states that this shit stain is the second coming of Christ. The world sees him as the antichrist, the beast and a testing of

Roger West