The American Taliban (GOP) |
Former teapublican presidential hopeful Rick "Frothy" Santorum, addressing attendees at the Values Voter Summit on Saturday, said that:
“We will never have the media on our side, ever, in this country. We will never have the elite, smart people on our side.”
Describing a divide between the GOP and the media, Santorum told the audience that the media “doesn’t like the other side,”
BuzzFeed’s Rosie Gray reported yesterday.
“If just a few people make decisions about what this world looks like, what this country looks like,” he said, “then you have people sitting in offices at major media outlets and Hollywood who think they can deal with a small group of people, to get them to jump through the hoops they want you to.”
Santorum also criticized the libertarian wing of the Republican party who:
“don’t want to talk about social issues,” saying that “without the church and the family, there is no conservative movement, there is no basic values of America.”
Unlettered is how the tea party likes it's base, the dumber, the better, hence the information disseminated from Fixed Noise on a daily bases. The GOP doesn't want educated people, or people who actually read (versus taking everything Rush says literally and as the absolute truth) to vote.
Consequently, the voter suppression wars going on in the swing states that Romney needs to win. GOP ers don't want people who actually study the issues, because that would mean they would understand that Romney's true record portrays what a Presidential candidate shouldn't be.
Even a broke clock is right twice a day, and "Frothy" has never been more correct. Intelligent people shall always abhor the GOP in its current form. It's a political party on life support, but already in a brain dead state. This is their finale before taking their rightful place - which is the trash heap of history.
I say good for "Forthy" - for admitting the GOP is full of idiots, its the first step to recovery.
Roger West