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When Roger West first launched the progressive political blog "News From The Other Side" in May 2010, he could hardly have predicted the impact that his venture would have on the media and political debate. As the New Media emerged as a counterbalance to established media sources, Roger wrote his copious blogs about national politics, the tea party movement, mid-term elections, and the failings of the radical right to the vanguard of the New Media movement. Roger West's efforts as a leading blogger have tremendous reach. NFTOS has led the effort to bring accountability to mainstream media sources such as FOX NEWS, Breitbart's "Big Journalism. Roger's breadth of experience, engaging style, and cultivation of loyal readership - over 92 million visitors - give him unique insight into the past, present, and future of the New Media and political rhetoric that exists in our society today. What we are against: Radical Right Wing Agendas Incompetent Establishment Donald J. Trump Corporate Malfeasence We are for: Global and Econmoic Security Social and Economic Justice Media Accountability THE RESISTANCE

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


MSM is projecting that the new Republican will have the majority. Nancy is out, the hypocritical "Tan man" John Boehner is in.

Good luck with that America!

Should the Democrats hold on too the senate the dems hold advantage as ultimately the Democratic White House has veto power.

Veto - meaning "I forbid" in Latin. Which is the power of an officer of the state to stop unilaterally a piece of legislation.

In practice, the veto can be absolute (as in the U.N. Security Council, whose permanent members (the United States) can block any resolution) or limited (as in the legislative process of the United States, where a two-thirds vote in both the House and Senate may override a Presidential veto of legislation).

A veto gives power, possibly unlimited, to stop changes, but not to adopt them. The influence that the veto conveys to its holder is therefore directly proportional to the holder's conservatism, broadly defined. The more the holder of a veto supports the status quo, the more useful the veto.

Reiterating, if the senate holds Democratic rule, the tea bags still have issues to contend with.

Stay tuned, it's getting interesting.



For months Mafioso thug Glenn Beck has been touting that George Soros was taking over America with his billions of dollars. In a all out blitz, the Beckster would ascribe and expostulate Soros and good friend Drummond Pike for buying or bolstering the Democratic stance in the mid-terms.

Yet early election results show just the opposite. Faux News and Karl Rove's dollars have and will out weighed Soros and Pike this election. Soros and Pike started late with funding monies to eradicate America of the filth called tea baggers.

Karl Rove & Company fully funded the tea bag society (and even some unwilling candidates like the wicked witch O'Donnell), and any fruits of labor that where quenched by the tea bags is owed to Rove and Company. See chart below of outside groups whom are not supposed to spend directly on politics but did in 2010. According to the Center for Responsive Politics’, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the America Action Network, American Crossroads, and Crossroads GPS top the list as this year’s biggest spenders. Together, these four conservative groups spent $99.6 million — $71.5 million above the SEIU and A.F.S.C.M.E labor unions’ combined $28.1 million:
Both American Crossroads and Crossroads GPS are "Karl Rove & Company operations.

I doubt tomorrow when the landslides subsides that there shall be many tea bags bitching about the illegal funds that slipped into American politics, but yet if the shoe was on other foot the tea bags would be sending the lynch men out for Soros and Pike.

MSNBC discloses tonight in its plethora of charts and graphs that 86% of the angriest Americans are tea baggers and 56% of those are whites with no college education. This is certainly not a surprise to NFTOS as we have be saying since day one that tea bags lead with their mouth and not their brains, and these stats clearly quantify this theory.

Key tea bags ousted so far:

Christine O'Donnell
Linda McMahon
John Raese

In other early news ABC and Internet mogul Andie Breitbart ratcheted up the disdain for each other. After Breitbart slammed ABC via his "big journal" blog site, ABC said they have had enough...bye bye Andie.

Regarding Breitbart - This afternoon, ABC News released a letter it sent to Breitbart disinviting him from any participation with the network’s election coverage, saying his immature reaction to not be allowed to go on TV made them “feel it best for you not to participate“:

We have spent the past several days trying to make clear to you your limited role as a participant in our digital town hall to be streamed on and Facebook. The post on your blog last Friday created a widespread impression that you would be analyzing the election on ABC News. We made it as clear as possible as quickly as possible that you had been invited along with numerous others to participate in our digital town hall. Instead of clarifying your role, you posted a blog on Sunday evening in which you continued to claim a bigger role in our coverage. As we are still unable to agree on your role, we feel it best for you not to participate.

Stay tuned as the Western half the US closes it's polls



4 hours till voting shuts down on the East coast and every analyst on tv is predicting that the GOP wins all. That's why the NFL plays the game on Sunday readers. While growing up I was always told to never count the chicks before they hatch.

Polls show the Republican Gubernatorial candidate in California is down big (8 points), yet the tea bag pundits predict Meg Whitman to win over Jerry Brown. That's why anuses are like opinions, everyone has one.

Let the voters decide, then start your psycho babble BS.

NFTOS calls and predicts O'Donnell, Angle, Miller, Whitman, Fiorina losers in their respective races.

Stay tuned, as NFTOS dissects the races and implications of votes casted.

BREAKING NEWS: Voters call in complaining that Christine O'Donnell supporters committing voter intimidation.

Stay Tuned!