I always love how the "Talibangelicals" [my new name for the GOP] spin the bible and Christianity to suit their mood for the day. Hypocrisy runs amuck in conservative land when it comes to Christianity. Their lack of true knowledge of the bible, like that of the U.S. Constitution, is overwhelmingly embarrassing. Mark Twain once said:
"Its better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt"
The separation of church and state is supposed to be the distance in the relationship between organized religion and the nation state.
But yet we hear constantly - Talibngelicals, invoking religion into government. Take out blog form yesterday, "Open Rebellion Against Gods Laws".
I am really sick and tired of Talibangelicals not practicing what they preach. Until such time that they can do so, I'd prefer that they just sit down and shut the f*ck up!
Below is a collection of Bill Maher "New Rules" on religion. Enjoy.
Roger West