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When Roger West first launched the progressive political blog "News From The Other Side" in May 2010, he could hardly have predicted the impact that his venture would have on the media and political debate. As the New Media emerged as a counterbalance to established media sources, Roger wrote his copious blogs about national politics, the tea party movement, mid-term elections, and the failings of the radical right to the vanguard of the New Media movement. Roger West's efforts as a leading blogger have tremendous reach. NFTOS has led the effort to bring accountability to mainstream media sources such as FOX NEWS, Breitbart's "Big Journalism. Roger's breadth of experience, engaging style, and cultivation of loyal readership - over 92 million visitors - give him unique insight into the past, present, and future of the New Media and political rhetoric that exists in our society today. What we are against: Radical Right Wing Agendas Incompetent Establishment Donald J. Trump Corporate Malfeasence We are for: Global and Econmoic Security Social and Economic Justice Media Accountability THE RESISTANCE

Tuesday, July 23, 2024



The Heritage Foundation, an extreme conservative think tank in this country, has long been a cornerstone of radical right-wing ideology. Founded in 1973 by Paul Weyrich, Edwin Feulner, and Joseph Coors, the foundation has wielded considerable influence in shaping Republican policies and conservative thought. However, its legacy is mired in controversy, from accusations of racism and misogyny to extremist right-wing views.

Radical Beginnings and Controversial Leadership

Paul Weyrich, one of the co-founders, was a radical figure with views that have raised eyebrows over the years. Weyrich's early career was marked by extreme positions, including his infamous statement supporting the bombing of churches during the civil rights era. His belief in using any means necessary to achieve conservative goals set a troubling precedent for the foundation's approach to policy and advocacy.

Accusations of Racism

The Heritage Foundation has faced numerous accusations of racism throughout its history. Critics argue that many of its policies and research papers promote racially discriminatory practices. For example, the foundation has consistently opposed affirmative action and has been accused of using racially charged language to describe immigration issues. These positions have led many to believe that the foundation harbors racist ideologies.

Misogynistic Stances

In addition to accusations of racism, the Heritage Foundation has also been criticized for its misogynistic views. The organization has consistently opposed policies aimed at promoting gender equality, such as the Equal Rights Amendment and various reproductive rights initiatives. The foundation's stance on women's issues often aligns with a broader conservative agenda that seeks to limit women's autonomy and reinforce traditional gender roles.

Extreme Right-Wing Views

The Heritage Foundation is known for its extreme right-wing views, often taking positions that are far removed from mainstream conservative thought. One of the most controversial stances taken by the foundation was blaming parents for the tragic school shooting in Uvalde, Texas. This position, widely condemned, reflects a broader tendency within the organization to place responsibility on individuals rather than addressing systemic issues.

Project 2025: A Blueprint for Radical Change

Perhaps the most diabolical manifestation of the Heritage Foundation's ideology is encapsulated in "Project 2025," a comprehensive policy agenda spanning 990 pages. This document outlines a radical vision for America, characterized by extreme measures aimed at reshaping various aspects of society. Some of the most controversial proposals include:

Dismantling Environmental Regulations: Project 2025 proposes the rollback of numerous environmental protections, prioritizing corporate interests over ecological sustainability. This includes weakening the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and eliminating regulations aimed at reducing carbon emissions and protecting natural habitats.

Curtailing LGBTQ+ Rights: The document advocates for rolling back protections for LGBTQ+ individuals, including opposition to same-sex marriage and support for "religious freedom" laws that would allow discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Immigration Crackdown: The project outlines aggressive measures to curb immigration, including building more border walls, implementing stricter visa requirements, and increasing deportations. It also supports ending birthright citizenship, a move that would significantly alter the American understanding of citizenship.

Educational Overhaul: Heritage’s vision for education includes promoting school choice and voucher programs, defunding public schools, and eliminating curricula that focus on social justice, diversity, and inclusion. This includes opposing Critical Race Theory and any educational content that addresses systemic racism.

Healthcare Privatization: Project 2025 calls for the dismantling of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and replacing it with a market-based system. This would likely result in millions of Americans losing access to affordable healthcare.

Labor Rights: The agenda seeks to weaken labor unions and reduce workers' rights. It includes proposals to eliminate the minimum wage and restrict collective bargaining rights, shifting power further towards employers.

Judicial Overhaul: The project aims to reshape the judiciary by appointing judges who strictly interpret the Constitution as originally intended, often referred to as "originalists." This could lead to the rollback of landmark decisions on civil rights, abortion, and more.

Social Safety Net: Heritage proposes significant cuts to social safety net programs, including Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. The document argues for privatizing these programs or replacing them with less comprehensive, market-based solutions.

Influence on Republican Policies

Despite its controversial positions, the Heritage Foundation has been highly influential in shaping Republican policies. The foundation's policy recommendations have often been adopted by Republican administrations, including the Reagan, Bush, and Trump presidencies. This influence has ensured that the foundation's extreme views have had a significant impact on American politics and policy.

A Legacy of Division and Backward Movement

The Heritage Foundation's legacy is one of division and controversy. Its radical positions and the potential implementation of Project 2025 could plunge America into a regressive era reminiscent of the 1700s. The foundation's agenda threatens to dismantle decades of progress in civil rights, environmental protection, and social welfare. By advocating for policies that undermine the rights of minorities, women, and the LGBTQ+ community, the Heritage Foundation seeks to revert society to a time when inequality was rampant, and power was concentrated in the hands of a privileged few.


The Heritage Foundation and Kevin Roberts' Religious Beliefs

The Heritage Foundation, under the leadership of its president, Kevin Roberts, is a significant force in shaping MAGA conservative politics. Roberts’ tenure has been marked by a pronounced emphasis on integrating Judeo-Christian values into public policy and national discourse. His perspective is one that insists on the primacy of these values, often advocating for a societal framework deeply rooted in biblical principles.

Kevin Roberts' Bold Stance on Religion:

Biblical Supremacy: Roberts is unabashed in his lunacy - that the Bible should serve as the cornerstone of American life. He argues that a return to biblical teachings is essential for the nation’s moral revival. This stance is not merely personal but is a driving force behind the Heritage Foundation's policy recommendations. Roberts asserts that the ethical and moral dilemmas facing America can be resolved through a collective return to these ancient texts.

Christianity in Public Policy: Under Roberts’ leadership, the Heritage Foundation does not shy away from proposing that public policy should reflect Christian teachings. This includes advocating for laws that uphold what he views as traditional family structures, opposing abortion, and promoting religious liberty. For Roberts, these policies are not just political stances but moral imperatives that align with his interpretation of Christian doctrine.

Cultural Critique: Roberts is vocal about his criticism of secularism. He believes that the marginalization of Christianity in public life is detrimental to society’s moral fabric. Roberts argues that secularism leads to moral relativism and societal decay, and he calls for a re-Christianization of American culture. This includes encouraging religious expressions in public institutions and integrating Christian teachings into educational curricula.

Exclusivity of Christian Morality: One of the more contentious aspects of Roberts' beliefs is his insistence that Judeo-Christian values are superior and should be the guiding principles for all Americans. This perspective is particularly controversial in a diverse society where many do not identify as Christians. I would argue that such a stance is exclusionary and fails to acknowledge the pluralistic nature of modern America

Roberts’ approach has had a significant impact on the Heritage Foundation's policy initiatives and public stance. However, it has also, rightly so, sparked considerable debate and criticism. Many Americans, particularly those from non-Christian backgrounds, view his emphasis on Christian values as alienating and contrary to the principles of religious freedom and inclusivity. They argue that his vision does not account for the rich tapestry of beliefs that make up the American populace.

One can conclude that Kevin Roberts’ presidency at the Heritage Foundation is characterized by a bold and unapologetic embrace of Judeo-Christian values. His vision for America is one where biblical principles are central to both private life and public policy. While this approach resonates with the extreme MAGA’s, it also raises significant concerns about inclusivity and the role of religion in a pluralistic society.

Van Gogh Jr and Project 2025:

Donald Trump has been linked to Project 2025 through various interactions with the Heritage Foundation and Kevin Roberts. Despite attempts to distance himself, Trump’s campaign and administration have shown alignment with many of the project’s goals, which include reducing federal regulatory powers and increasing executive authority.

J.D. Vance's Involvement:

J.D. Vance, Trump’s running mate for the 2024 election, has been a vocal supporter of Project 2025. Vance even wrote the introduction to Kevin Roberts’ book, "Dawn’s Early Light: Burning Down Washington to Save America," which outlines a vision for dramatically transforming the federal government. Vance’s endorsement of these ideas aligns him closely with Roberts and the Heritage Foundation’s objectives.

Postscript: Separation of Church and State

It is important to remember that the U.S. Constitution explicitly establishes the separation of church and state. The First Amendment states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." This clause is designed to ensure that the government remains neutral on matters of religion and that individuals have the freedom to practice their faith as they see fit. This principle has been upheld by numerous Supreme Court rulings, affirming that while religious beliefs can inform public discourse, government policies must not favor one religion over another or impose religious beliefs on all citizens.

Make no mistake readers, the alliance of Kevin Roberts, J.D. Vance, Donald Trump, and the Heritage Foundation represents extreme right-wing ideology and is a dangerous force in American politics. This diabolical coalition promotes a vision of governance that seeks to dismantle federal regulations, consolidate executive power, and impose a strict Judeo-Christian moral framework on public policy. Their agenda, encapsulated in Project 2025, threatens the principles of democratic checks and balances, religious freedom, and inclusivity, aiming instead to establish a more authoritarian and ideologically rigid state that undermines the pluralistic foundation of American society.

Roger West