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When Roger West first launched the progressive political blog "News From The Other Side" in May 2010, he could hardly have predicted the impact that his venture would have on the media and political debate. As the New Media emerged as a counterbalance to established media sources, Roger wrote his copious blogs about national politics, the tea party movement, mid-term elections, and the failings of the radical right to the vanguard of the New Media movement. Roger West's efforts as a leading blogger have tremendous reach. NFTOS has led the effort to bring accountability to mainstream media sources such as FOX NEWS, Breitbart's "Big Journalism. Roger's breadth of experience, engaging style, and cultivation of loyal readership - over 92 million visitors - give him unique insight into the past, present, and future of the New Media and political rhetoric that exists in our society today. What we are against: Radical Right Wing Agendas Incompetent Establishment Donald J. Trump Corporate Malfeasence We are for: Global and Econmoic Security Social and Economic Justice Media Accountability THE RESISTANCE

Saturday, July 20, 2024

How The Hell Did We Get Here?


Fake Bandages Abound at the RNC

Well, here we are again NFTOS readers. A place where we thought we would never be as a blogging organization. 

We've not been under a rock; we just chose not to blog due to the overwhelming number of death threats bombarding us weekly from the then 'tea party' society.

After Vincent Van Gogh Jr's (Donald John tRump) pew-pew incident, seeing the bad numbers that Biden was pulling in -we could no longer sit idly by and watch our democracy crumble to the wayside. 

We have been so advised from fellow bloggers who still partake in this arena, that MAGA is a much more violent and opened mouthed hate group. 

TikTok is chock full of RWNJ's losing their shit, their latest violence outburst on the platform was immediately after the pew-pew. 

See a mild example below: 

We sit in amazement that this is where Merika is today. How in the phuck did we get to this point? 

It started when a black man became president, only the madness is more systemic and freely open now due to the one and only, Vincent Van Gogh Jr.

This man opened the flood gates for the low information voter, the most extreme portion of the republican party, to morph from the rat-infested sewers, to now being out and about, full throated unabashed voice puppets of the very dangerous Van Gogh. He is them; they are he. 

This cult (MAGA) will protect this vile man at all costs, regardless of his past criminal activities, his adulterous ways, his sexual assault convictions, and his incessant pathological lying, MAGA does not care, nor do they give a damn. The party of "Christianity" has tossed its moral compass to the wayside. 

When Van Gogh got pew-pewed, MAGA came out in full force denouncing the gun violence, yet when kids where slaughtered at Sandy Hook, they called bullshit, said it was a conspiracy, and added more NRA pins to their lapels. 

Below, a short list of Van Gogh's work:

Stormy Daniels Scandal: Allegations of an affair and hush money payments. Wikipedia

Doe 174 Case: Allegations of sexual misconduct by "Doe 174".

Misleading Statements and Lies: Thousands of false or misleading claims. 

Access Hollywood Tape: Recorded making lewd comments about women.

Handling of COVID-19: Criticized for downplaying the pandemic and the federal response. 

Charlottesville Comments: Controversial remarks about the 2017 rally

Russian Interference: Allegations of collusion with Russia during the 2016 election

Impeachments: Impeached twice, first for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, and second for incitement of insurrection

Classified Information: Alleged mishandling of classified documents

Trump University: Fraud accusations leading to a $25 million settlement

Racist Comments: Accusations of making racist remarks and policies.

Emoluments Clause Violations: Allegations of profiting from foreign governments. 

Criticism of Military Leaders and Veterans: Statements and actions perceived as disrespectful. 

Project 2025: A controversial far-right policy agenda linked to Trump's potential second term.

Bilking Monies from Non-Profits: Accusations of misusing funds from the Trump Foundation, leading to its dissolution.

This is just a short list from a man who MAGA calls the second coming of Jesus.

You really cannot make this shit up! 

Yet, despite all the chaos and turmoil, we find ourselves compelled to speak out once more. The landscape of American politics has reached a critical juncture, driven by a figure whose actions and rhetoric have inflamed and emboldened the most extreme factions of society. It's a landscape where truth is continually undermined, and where the very fabric of our democracy is at risk of unraveling.

Vincent Van Gogh Jr., better known as Donald John Trump, has not only normalized but celebrated a form of divisiveness that thrives on misinformation and hostility. The aftermath of his "pew-pew" incident has only heightened the volatility, as evidenced by the immediate surge of violent rhetoric on platforms like TikTok. It's a disturbing reality, one that underscores how deeply ingrained and dangerous the MAGA movement has become. This isn't just political discourse; it's a cult-like fervor that disregards truth and justice in favor of blind allegiance.

To fully grasp the magnitude of Trump's impact, one need only look at the litany of scandals and controversies that have marred his career. From the Stormy Daniels scandal and the Doe 174 case to his mishandling of classified information and fraudulent activities with Trump University, the list is extensive and damning. His racist comments, repeated lies, and blatant disregard for the law reveal a pattern of behavior that is not only unpresidential but criminal. The very notion that such a person could be considered for the highest office in the land is a testament to the perilous state of our democracy.

It's time to hold Vincent Van Gogh Jr. accountable, not just for the sake of political propriety, but for the preservation of our nation's core values. The MAGA cult may see him as a messianic figure, but the reality is far bleaker. This is a man whose actions have consistently demonstrated a profound disrespect for the law, for truth, and for the principles that underpin our democracy. It's imperative that we, as a society, reject this dangerous trajectory and strive to restore integrity and decency to our political landscape.

Remind me again how the hell we got here.

Roger West