If your a women, a minority, and veteran, a worker, a student, there is no other choice for you if you want to keep what's yours.
This election is just as big, implications are just as high as the Presidential election - because true governing is at the State level.
MADDOW Video courtesy of MSNBC
It's time to turn Virginia BLUE readers! It's time to set the precedence in this county, that vagina probing, radical right wing extremism is not welcome in this country!
There is a reason why the conservative tries to disenfranchise voters - because the lower the turn out, the better their chances to win.
So no big blog today - other than to say, if you're a Democrat - get off your posterior and go vote, your livelihood as you know it depends on it.
Exercise your most powerful right, and remember, voting has consequences, sever consequences.
Roger West