After the past weeks of just painfully pathetic public prat-falls capped off by the devastating latest polling numbers, leaves Mitt Romney’s patrician glass jaw smashed into tiny bits, you’d have to imagine that the Tea party-led rightwing shock troops, having pinned all of their post-2010 electoral hopes and dreams on the deeply flawed shoulders of one Thurston Howell III AKA Willard Mitt Romney and the GOP is more than a little worried.
The man is at best a excruciating embarrassment as a candidate. Mitt’s a self-parody who jumped the shark before he even became the official nominee! What a “Debbie Downer” on the GOP morale he must be? It’s hard to keep rooting for the home team when the quarterback is such a witless plonker, isn’t it? The GOP is terrific at getting the vote out, but will the faithful line-up to vote for a tax-dodging plutocrat with Cayman Island bank accounts like Mitt Romney?
Their brows jagged in frustration and their lips tighten with anguish, as the GOP/tea party train has crashed for the last time.
In a desperate attempt to save his campaign, Romney channels Abe Lincoln; “I can screw 47% of the people 100% of the time, and favor the 1% 100% of the time, but it seems I can't fool anybody any of the time.”
Below are three videos that depict a desperate GOP party.
Seriously, Mittens, instead of pandering and lying and twisting words, why don't you try and tell us something useful? Maybe show us something with relevance, like your tax returns, and then maybe we could all just stop talking - and start planning Obama's victory celebration.
Roger West