Broadway performers have joined together to launch the “One More Term” Les Miserables parody, hoping to see President Obama retain his place as Commander in Chief while also highlighting Republican extremism.
The song, which borrows from “One Day More” from Les Miserables, criticizes the current Republican establishment, lampooning Republican lawmakers across America for the War on Women, homophobia, religious zealotry and more, saying “To the Dark Side they’ve succumbed.”
The parody puts particular focus on the charge that while in high school Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney had friends hold down fellow classmate John Lauber whereby Romney allegedly forcibly cut the man’s hair simply because he had dared to wear it differently, berating Romney for suggesting that he “had no memory of participating” in the incident even though at least five others who were involved all have vivid recollections to the contrary.
“Misogynistic, homophobic, radically regressive and ideologically unhinged with little apparent interest in governing and no appetite for compromise or common ground, that Grand Old Party’s out-of-order, a consequence of preposterous partisan pandering, legislative belligerence–and all that tea.”
Roger West