Lieutenant Colonel US Army Ret Allen West (no relation what so ever to blogger) is no virgin to controversy. While the retired LTC holds a strong suit in military ops, he certainly falls short with common sense. LTC West also lays claim to holding a government security clearance higher than those whom occupy the oval office at the white house. Having held clearances myself, I tell you that the Lieutenant Colonel is a little delusional thinking he holds more top secret information than the President. Does West really possess key codes to United States nuclear armament? Let' hope not.
LTC US Army Ret. Allen West:
While serving in Taji, Iraq, on August 20, 2003, as commander of the 2d Battalion, 20th Field Artillery Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel West was in charge of an interrogation of a civilian Iraqi police officer who was suspected of having pertinent information regarding attacks on American soldiers in the area. Interrogators had learned that the detainee had information about a planned ambush. When the interrogators were unable to extract the needed important information for some time, LTC West was asked to come try to obtain the important information. As the detainee continued to hold back the information, LTC West fired his pistol past the detainee's head into a clearing barrel, frightening (but not physically harming) the detainee and getting him to finally give the information. According to Lt. Col. West's sworn statement, the detainee informed West that:
“ [The attack] was to occur Friday morning in Saba al Boor vicinity of the police station by positioned snipers supposedly being brought in from Fallujah. [The detainee] was to ID my vehicle and myself for these rooftop firers. We took this information and the following day established flask CPs and used AH-64s overhead. There was no attack and no further attacks have emanated from the town since the apprehension of [the detainee] and his named associates. ”
At least one man was apprehended as a result of the information obtained through the detainee's interrogation. His home was searched, but no plans for attacks on Americans or weapons were found. Colonel West testified that he did not know whether "any corroboration" of a plot was ever found, adding: "At the time I had to base my decision on the intelligence I received. It's possible that I was wrong about [the detainee,] Mr. Hamoodi."
West, who at the time was just short of having 22 years of service, was charged with violating articles 128 (assault) and 134 (general article) of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. West was processed through an Article 32 hearing in November 2003, where he admitted wrongdoing, was fined $5,000 . He then submitted his retirement paperwork and was allowed to retire with full benefits in the summer of 2004.
NBC’s Lisa Myers filed a report suggesting that West is associated with the Outlaws motorcycle gang, which has a history of criminal activity, and said that association has cost West support in Florida’s law enforcement community.
While running for office West had a "tax plan": You pay yours. He’ll skip out on his," reports showed West owed or had a $11,000 tax lien against him – only after being challenged did West acknowledge and pay the lien.
The NAACP claims West is a racist against himself. After the NAACP passed a resolution declaring the tea party to be a "racist" organization, you knew that Allen West would have something to say. After all, he's one (if not the only?) tea party-backed congressional candidate who's African-American. If the tea party is racist, then West's own tea party activism would make him racist against himself. In West's own blog he says:
Instead of maintaining its mission and vision, the NAACP has now become the "useful idiots" (a term coined by Vladimir Lenin) for liberal racism.
Considering the tea party ranks are dominated by middle-aged white folks who weren't interested in politics until they started watching Glenn Beck, I'm not sure a tea party candidate like West should be lecturing anyone else about exploiting "useful idiots."
West's blog goes on to say:
"They have made themselves into a political hack job organization which now seeks to maintain the liberal progressive socialist control of the 21 century plantation. It is on this new economic plantation where the liberals seek to enslave the black community in order to maintain a devoted, monolithic, voting electorate."
Fact: Lenin never used the term "useful idiots." It would appear that LTC West missed fact checking when gaining his masters in military arts and science.
Famous Lieutenant Colonel US Army Ret. Allen West quotes and beliefs:
West: says liberals want soldiers to die
West: fails to pay his own taxes and bills
West: People with Coexist Bumper Stickers Would Give Away Our Country
West: says Democrats think "Christians are terrorists"
West: Take up arms against the government
West: liberals detest America
West: liberals seek to destroy God and Country
West: the nation is nearing a “tipping point” toward socialism when more than half of all Americans depend on the government for financial support.
West: calls himself a "right wing extremist"
West: endorsed by those who favor cutting Social Security
West: has lied about his own statements regarding DOE
West: supports failed economic policies
West: has lied about congressional pensions
West: encouraged physical threats in campaigning
West: took Barton PAC money
The queen of "If ballots don't work, bullets will," is accused of inciting violence in Florida. According to the Miami Herald, a warning call was phoned into WFTL 850 AM from a woman claiming that her husband was planning to carry out a mass shooting in Broward County, specifically targeting government buildings and schools. In addition, the Pembroke Pines Police Department says the WFTL station received an emailed warning addressed directly to Kaufman.
Florida’s WSVN News has the story:
As a result of the investigation into a threat that lead to the lockdown of all schools in Broward County, Wednesday, Joyce Kaufman announced on her WFTL radio show, the following day, that she will step down as Chief of Staff to Republican U.S. Rep.-elect Allen West. “Last night, I called congressman-elect Allen West, and I told him I would not be able to accept the position of chief of staff for Congressional District 22,” she said.
According to sources, something Kaufman had said at a tea party rally, set someone off to write a threatening email to that station, early Wednesday morning. During that rally Kaufman said, “If ballots don’t work, bullets will.” MSNBC aired the clip on Rachel Maddow’s TV show, where Maddow offered to introduce viewers to the new crop of conservatives entering office as a result of the Nov. 2 elections….
Police said that soon after MSNBC aired the clip featuring Kaufman, WFTL received an email that stated, in part: “I’m planning something big around the government building here in Broward County, maybe a post office, maybe even a school.”
Joyce Kaufman AKA the "The Kaufman Experiment' is the typical throw back radical republican redneck. Much like Dana Loesch, (must be mother and daughter) the hate echoed from either of these woman is enough to make a brontosaurus puke.
Last week LTC Allen West (R-FL) doubled downed on his support of his almost-chief of staff, right-wing talk radio host Joyce Kaufman. Kaufman backed out of the job after increased attention to her pro-insurgency rhetoric.
She's a "very brilliant political mind," West said today.
Kaufman recently called outgoing Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) "garbage" and earlier this year called for violent revolution if the Republicans didn't win the midterm elections.
West added that media criticism of Kaufman has been "absolutely reprehensible" and that "the things are being said about her" demonstrate the "duplicitous hypocrisy" of the mainstream media.
LTC West claims that " If I was a black democrat congressman, you won't see these kind of attacks".
Reports by the media turned up numerous incidents in which Kaufman had spoken with incendiary rhetoric against illegal immigrants and Muslims which caused West's hand picked protégé to step down before even taking taxpayer dollars for her hate.
Some speech "incidents" by the big mouth Kaufman are:
In August 2007, when discussing illegal immigrants, she said on her show, “If you commit a crime while you’re here, we should hang you and send your body back to where you came from, and your family should pay for it.”
She became infuriated at illegal immigration after she called Comcast and the recording said, “Press 2 for Spanish.”
She said at a rally, with West standing by, “Calling illegal immigrants ‘undocumented workers’ is like calling a drug dealer a pharmacist without a license.” She was furious that children of illegal immigrants were educated in public schools and received health care at emergency rooms. “There are people who want to change your way of life, and some of them may be your gardeners,” she said.
According to The New York Times, she previously claimed at a rally that illegal immigrants “reproduce at a rate about three times that American citizens do. And that’s not bigotry, and that’s just fact.”
Her anger is not limited to illegal immigrants. “There’s no way I’m going to live in a country that’s been radically Muslim-ized … and I’m not afraid to say it,” she said at a protest in Jupiter. She also said at the protest that the United States was “this close” to moving towards “fascistic and tyrannical rule.” At the American Freedom Tour in Fort Lauderdale, she wore a T-shirt that said “PROUD MEMBER OF THE ANGRY MOB AND I VOTE,” with the “O” in “MOB” a crossed-out Obama logo.
Oddly enough, LTC West seemed to contend that the examination of Kaufman's past of extreme speech was a sign that liberals had "issues with racism" against him.
Really Colonel?
Ms. Kaufman's "freedom of speech" cost her much. Lost, is her platform to speak on hanging more immigrants, lost is her time as number one bitch to the beloved Lieutenant Colonel, lost is our tax dollars allotted to West to pay staff like Kaufman.
With two of West's experiments failing miserably,(the first was the rogue military interrogator, and the second the Joyce Kaufman experiment) Floridians and Americans can only hope his congressional "experiments" escape with better outcomes. Hopefully West can put away his race card for the betterment of America, and understand that not all of us are "right wing extremist."
Roger West
NFTOS Editor-in-Chief