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This is how stupid the tea baggers are! They will see this video and still be oblivious to the asshat they are!!! What tools the right wing extremist is, don't believe me, watch the video until it sinks into that mush you call a brain Mr. Republican!!
Be afraid as BROCK is going to turn us all into Muslim hating mongers and plane flying death seekers. Hoarding weapons until the day when BROCK calls all his followers into flesh eating zombies whom shall overtake the world and rid all Americans of all that is bad ["tea bagger society"]!
Its all a conspiracy Mr. Republican where all out to get you! If BROCK is not a citizen of the USA and a Christian, legally permitted to be President, then EVERY SINGLE Congressman, Senator and Justice of the Supreme Court needs to be shot for treason as they are complicit in the greatest crime against this country. This would be the BIGGEST conspiracy EVER. Yet, 1 in 5 seem to believe it.
So how ludicrous is this Sarahnoya, Beck, Limbaugh, Loesch followers.
Republicans....your the dumbest species to walk Terra firma....JUST SAY"N