FACTS: George W. Bush's IQ is 91 current formula, but if you take in equation SAT scoring and 1974 criterian for IQ the below chart gives the drug sniffing Bush a IQ of 129, current criterian he is a 91 either way what a baffoon for a Pres. Pre-requisite should be MENSA qualified, anythng less....."is a disaster"
Bush's SAT score was 1206 (566 Verbal, 640 Math). See the upper-left
corner of his Yale transcript:
http://www.iuptown.com/YaleProtest/bushs_yale_transcript.htm... See More
Pre-1974 SAT to IQ Conversion Table
The table is from the paper 'Conversion Tables for Otis Gamma and Scholastic Aptitude Test,' by Warren W. Willingham and James A. Strickland in the Personnel and Guidance Journal, 41(4), 1962, 356-358. It took some effort and luck to dig up this obscure paper. The experience was a bit like finding a Rosetta stone. ;-)
Some things to note from the paper:
•'The data are based upon a sample of 403 students who visited the Office of Guidance and Testing at Georgia Institute of Technology during the years of 1957-1960.'
•In this group: Otis Gamma mean = 117, SD = 7.2; SAT mean = 980, SD = 126.
•'Equi-percentile Scaling: The line of relation between the Otis Gamma and the SAT total score was plotted on the basis of 12 selected percentile points. The line of relation was almost perfectly linear with no evidence of abrupt curvature at either extreme. Table 1 shows equivalent scores read from the smoothed line of relation. In no case did the smoothing amount to more than one point on the Otis scale.'
•'The correlation between the two scores was 0.58. The standard error of estimate for the SAT total score was 102; the standard error of estimate for the Otis was 5.8. This correlation of 0.58 gives a spuriously low impression of the correlation between the SAT and the Otis due to restriction in the range of ability in this sample.'
•'The best interpretation of the IQ equivalents in Table 1 is as follows: "This is the IQ John would achieve if he were to take the Otis Gamma and do exactly as well (or poorly) as he did on the SAT." '
•'Tables 1 and 2 should not be extrapolated beyond the values presented. It is virtually certain that the line of relation and the regression line are not linear throughout the range of possible scores. In fact, it is probable that abrupt curvature sets in a score levels higher and lower than those included here.' Based on high-IQ society entrance criteria, this seems to be true. The line would abruptly curve up at the higher end. Note that the Mensa criteria of a SAT score of 1250 being equivalent to an IQ of 132 is quite consistent with the table below. If someone knows why they have 1300 for scores before 1974, please send an email to enlighten me. Otherwise, I'd consider this table valid for scores before 1974 and after (until the re-centering of 1995).
•The Otis Gamma has a 15.6 SD according to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cybele/files/pages/col82nrm.htm
Table 1
Equivalent Scores for Otis Gamma and Scholastic Aptitute Test Total Score which is for 36 years ago. Current 2010 scores are referred to into diff criterian for another time.
702 100 873 111 1063 122
716 101 889 112 1083 123
730 102 906 113 1103 124
745 103 922 114 1123 125
760 104 938 115 1143 126
776 105 955 116 1162 127
792 106 972 117 1182 128
808 107 990 118 1201 129
824 108 1008 119 1221 130
840 109 1026 120 1240 131
856 110 1044 121 1260 132
1280 133
These are the Facts ANN COULTER Ms. right winger
Requirements for YALE;
•Percent of Applicants Admitted: 9%
•Test Scores -- 25th / 75th Percentile
•SAT Critical Reading: 700 / 800... See More... See More
•SAT Math: 700 / 780
•SAT Writing: 700 / 790
As we see GW Bush fell well short....hmmmmmmmmmmm NUFF SAID
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