Donald J. Trump is a shit stain, I've been writing about it for 12 months. Trump's words are not just banter in the locker room. Grabbing pussy unsolicited is sexual assault.
Scottie Nell Hughes, an extreme nutter surrogate for Cheeto Jesus on CNN said: "women won't care about Trump's pussy grabbing comment." If women don't care, this is a problem which is much larger than the sexual deviant grabbing pussy.
The reality is, Trump is a sexual predator, always has been, the video only confirms what many have been saying for years.
Trump is Satan's spawn, he is Unfit, unqualified, undisciplined, undignified, unstable, uncivilized, unacceptable, uninformed, unkind, unwell, unreliable, un-suited and unreasonable.
In this instance, it looks as though the GOP pond scum has risen to the top. Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Sean Hannity, you own this pussy grabbing monster. It's really only fitting, that a campaign, which started accusing Mexicans of being rapists, ends with the world knowing who the rapist was all along.
Mathew 15:18 of the Bible says: But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these things defile a man.
Roger West