Glenn Becks "Shadow Government" includes firms which have since been shut down. As of March 2010 ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) announced it was "closing all its remaining affiliated state chapters and disbanding due to falling revenue." So we are not sure how ACORN is involved with the shakedown of the world, but hopefully Beck will enlighten us tomorrow on this missed fact.
In Beck's theory on the "shadow Government" (Which is a phrase that is sometimes called "the secret government" or "the invisible government", real and actual political power does not reside with publicly elected representatives but with persons unknown to the general public who are exercising power behind the scenes. In this sense the official elected government is in reality subservient to the shadow government who are the true executive power.) he states that this takeover has been in the works for "decades", and these secret agents and their diabolical plans only come out of hiding when writing and or approving books (biographies), or when texting B-ROCK via his BlackBerry. Yes you guessed it, Pinky and the Brain at it again.

Beck today is angered as to why POTUS has to have this cell phone and demands to know whom he is texting with.
Soros and Pike are "media moguls". Unequivocally yes, but too concoct a theme that NPR, Media Matters, Open Society Institute, Tides (All companies funded by the duo) are to take over the world, certainly a huge stretch for a very imaginative mind.
Beck of late asks followers to not believe his conjecture, but to go out and do "your own research". And that we did. While reviewing every website Soros and Pike manages, we at NFTOS could not find one site that describes world domination, shutting down America, and any open source (transparency) that a deviant take over is eminent by "spooky dude" (Soros).
According to Garp (Beck) "Cap and Trade", "Stimulus", "Health care reform" are all a ingredients and indicators that Soros and Pike plan to override the United States.
"Shadow Government" is at best a pejorative term to denote a secretive government that takes over in the event of a disaster, and in this case the 'disaster" is what Glenn Beck titles the "Event".
So that NFTOS doesn't have to rewrite George Soros biography, go to "" and a plethora of real valid information exist on "The Brain".
Once you read about "spooky dude", go and watch the abundance of youtube clips on Glenn Beck this week , you shall see that Glenn is walking a tight rope with defamation of Soros' character. Often the case for most of the extremist from the right.
Beck's infamous quotes on today's show:
"Soros is out to collapse the USA"
Soros and Pike's media empire rule would de-stable the state" (that being the state of the Union)
To bolster Beck's latest pungent cocktail GB TV invites "Author" Richard Poe (another tweaker and author of "The Shadow Party) to speak on the evils of Pinky and The Brain.
Richard Poe's website depicts another flake in society with blog titles like:
"How the Rockefeller's Created Hillary"
"Hillary Wants You Dead"
"Hillary, Obama and the Cult of Alinsky"
"The New York Times Embraces the Dark Side"
"Trilobites and Creationism"
If Mr. Beck wants America to postulate and presume true his end of America event, then he might want to rethink inviting the likes of Poe to support his master of puppetry rationality. Mr. Poe's writings are of the obtuse at best. Here is a quote from Poe regarding the change of the five dollar bill " The fact is, we are being hoodwinked. The redesign of our currency has nothing to do with fighting counterfeiters or helping people with weak eyesight. It has everything to do with catering to the perverse canons of postmodernist art." HUH!

The continuum that is Beck is a comical, outlandish, and down right demonic.
Where are the other proponents of this "theory"? Why doesn't John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Marco Rubio, Dana Loesch, support this? Why are they not of GB TV objurgating Beck's theme? Where are names like Zoltan Acs, Robert F. Engle, Edward Glaeser (all world renown prize winning economist) not jumping the Beck train?
Why readers, because this is " the snake in the corner biting back". Becks advertisers are down to G. Gordon Liddy (A Republican crook in his own right which includes Conspiracy, burglary, and illegal wiretapping) and Faux News itself. The very bloodline and jugular vein of Beck is being severed by the power of Pike and Soros. This is last stance by a desperate Beck, which should be the nail in the coffin for a man and party that envisions "lesbian vampires" roaming the earth.
Stay tuned as "Phantom of Beckistan" continues.................