Beck claims that the "gates of hell are opening" and that everyone needs to start "canning" (hoarding) food now as in two years there will be none left, and if there is any it shall be to expensive for Americans to purchase. Beck tells his viewers how methodically and slowly he and his in-laws canned food for weeks and how he and his fellow Mormon tribesman now have a years supply of food for the "Event". This along with his new Gourmet survival kit should bode him well during this Armageddon.

A close to tearful Beck expatiates on how he "hopes he is wrong" with the imminent looming of the end of the world, but all Soros indicators point to our demise, being that Soros' four previous attempts to overthrow countries where successful and now the United States is next on the radar screen for the dreaded hostile takeover of Soros and his Army of journalist.
While watching Beck in the above video shed fake tears with vapor rub, we where wondering if he has shared this tactic with the "tan man" John Boehner?
Our conclusion after viewing the trilogy, is that Glenn Becks "event" is nothing more than what we have seen from him in the past. If Becks newest theory sounds to you like a "conspiracy theory", well there is a reason for that, that's because it is one.
For years, literally hundreds of years Republicans have been repeating the theme that hostile and violent takeovers are in store for America.
Our first hyped coup d'état occurred in 1798 when panic broke out in New England over the creeping threat of the Bavarian Illuminati, a secret society that was allegedly plotting to takeover America.
With this panic just subsiding, another plot for take over was a tale of the Catholics wanting to revolt in 1800. Self-appointed guardians of American democracy, suspicious of the growing number of Irish and German immigrants, began to postulate about a sinister scheme to uproot prevailing Protestant values and replace them with a domineering brand of Catholicism.
Then in the late 1880s, there was a fear of the "gold gamblers," a conspiratorial group of city-dwelling tycoons that allegedly plotted the demise of local farmers by intentionally causing the scarcity of gold which was used to buy back bonds. This led to the formation of the Populist party, whose official political platform in 1892 began with the following preamble:
"A vast conspiracy against mankind has been organized on two continents and it is rapidly taking possession of the world. If not met and overthrown at once it forebodes terrible social convulsions, the destruction of civilization, or the establishment of an absolute despotism."
Beginning in 1950, Joseph McCarthy became the most visible Republican face of a period in which Cold War tensions fueled fears of widespread Communist subversion. He was noted for making claims that there were large numbers of Communists and Soviet spies and sympathizers inside the United States federal government and elsewhere. Families built fallout shelters—underground concrete caves—in their backyards to protect themselves from a possible nuclear attack and subsequent radiation. Sirens were mounted on school rooftops and in some communities, children ran home from school at break-neck pace, fearing that the Commies would get them if they loitered around in public too long.

As we see, history certainly repeats itself with regards to Republican right wing extremism.
Glenn Beck this week displayed that Republicans are still extreme lunatics, that discharge and excrete hate, fear, and paranoia. Becks illiteracy for Governmental issues is never more prevalent than now. Becks smear campaign is a last ditch effort to sustain his livelihood on Faux News. With advertisers pulling out, Beck is grasping for the proverbial last straw. The "last muster" if you will.
NFTOS can tell you that the Bavarian Illuminati takeover never came to fruition, the Catholics did not conquer America, the Gold Gamblers were not concocting a plan for the demise of the farmer. Joseph McCarty's really demented theory on communism lead to nothing more than major hysteria, and McCarthy's tactics and his inability to substantiate his claims led him to be censured by the United States Senate. Finally Lawrence O'Donnell's "socialist" comment shall not lead to a "Pinky and the Brain" (Soros and Pike) coup, overthrow, power play, putsch, rebellion, revolt, or revolution.