Yesterday the Senate Republicans have succeeded in blocking a measure designed to reduce wage disparities between men and women.
The 58-41 vote to take up the Paycheck Fairness Act fell short of the 60 needed to overcome GOP opposition.

In a statement released by the White House President B-ROCK said "I am deeply disappointed that a minority of Senators have prevented the Paycheck Fairness Act from finally being brought up for a debate and receiving a vote. This bill passed in the House almost two years ago; today, it had 58 votes to move forward, the support of the majority of Senate, and the support of the majority of Americans. As we emerge from one of the worst recessions in history, this bill would ensure that American women and their families aren’t bringing home smaller paychecks because of discrimination. It also helps businesses that pay equal wages as they struggle to compete against discriminatory competition. But a partisan minority of Senators blocked this commonsense law. Despite today’s vote, my Administration will continue to fight for a woman’s right to equal pay for equal work."

The Paycheck Fairness Act was a proposed legislation that was blocked by Republicans in the United States Congress that would have expand the scope of the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and the Fair Labor Standards Act as part of an effort to address male–female income disparity in the United States.
Lets show our female readers how top Republican women voted (Or not) as there is plenty of blame to go around. Here are a few of the recipients of the "Not For The Paycheck Fairness Act.
1. Senators Olympia Snowe (R-ME) and Susan Collins (R-ME) -- after courageously going against their party to vote with the Democrats in February 2009 for the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, Wednesday Senators Snowe and Collins showed that they care more about their 2012 re-elections than women.
2. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson (R-TX) -- after much ballyhoo as a bipartisan leader for women, including voting for the Fair Pay Act and a joint appearance with Secretary Clinton at the Women's History Museum, Senator Hutchinson let us down.
3. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) -- who also voted for the Fair Pay Act, recently boasted that she will not be beholden to the GOP. She will, however, sell-out women. Standing ovation on the Senate Floor Tuesday - jet set out of town before the vote Wednesday.
For the superabundance of females whom jumped or fell for the tea bag rhetoric of a better America, where now left at their respective human resource offices today with jaws agape and the behemothic feeling of betrayal. Certainly its not only the right that was slighted here, all American females shall still be exposed to paycheck discrimination due to the ideology of the right. NFTOS wonders how that makes Dana Loesch and Ann "the man" Coulter feel?
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Today Democrats forced the hand of the tea bags to vote for extending the benefits to the unemployed. It certainly was quick but, before all was said and done, passage of a renewal of unemployment extensions was derailed and shut down by the right. According to, the latest emergency unemployment benefits extension legislation was quickly put to a vote Thursday, having only been introduced Wednesday. Needing a two-thirds majority for passage, H.R. 6419, the Emergency Unemployment Compensation Continuation Act, failed in the House of Representatives by a 258-154 margin, blocked by Republican lawmakers (and 11 Democratic representatives).
So to all you unemployed, "your on your own". Theme sound familiar here?
Three in four Americans where in the support for the extension of federal unemployment benefits. The legislation would have extended the deadline to file for federal unemployment benefits to Feb. 28, sparing 4 million people from falling off the rolls.
This is the first time in history when the unemployment rate was 7.2 % or higher that congress failed to extend unemployment benefits. Today unemployment is 9.6%.
Lifelines to the poor are disappearing, advocates argue that this assistance is vital because it's so tough to find work in today's weak economy. The number of long-term unemployed, who have been out of a job for more than six months, stands at 6.2 million.
The Republican right wing nut jobs will eject and expel that those currently using long-term benefits are using the system because the large pittance from unemployment is enough to keep them form seeking work. data shows that nominal pay for the unemployed nation wide is approximately 350 dollars.
Really readers, can you sustain life of this measly pittance? Odds are most if not all Americans cannot.
Speaker of the house (short term) Nancy Pelosi stated "The American people, struggling with high unemployment, continue to look to their leaders for a lifeline until they can get back to work. Today, Democrats voted to extend unemployment insurance to Americans who lost their jobs through no fault of their own; unfortunately, Republicans did not."
The message is clear readers, if the last 24 hours are any indication of a "Republican" regime, then it's apparent that we are truly "on our own".