Yes Glenn Beck University!Beck University is an Online education program website launched in July 2010 by American radio and television host Glenn Beck. Beck University offers online classes in subjects such as religion, American history, and economics. The classes are offered to anyone who subscribes to Beck's "Extreme Insider" program for a fee.
Despite the use of the term "university" in the title, Beck's courses are not for credit. As of July 2010, available courses include Faith 101, 102, and 103; Hope 101, 102, and 103; and Charity 101, 102 and 103. The classes consist of weekly lectures every Wednesday night.
How apropos is this, a man whom couldn't attain a higher education degree himself has a University, although NFTOS can't for the life of us fathom what you might get a degree in, maybe BSBS (Bachelors in Bullshit) (Masters in mice with human brains or Masters in evolution). Yes readers, Glenn Beckistein failed and dropped out of not one but two Universities!
Maybe you'll think next time you listen to the first guy whom holds the coveted BSBS degree.
Beckistan University slogan "PUTTING THE DICK IN VALEDICTORIAN".....