Hannity proving at an early age that his life long dream and abition is to be a troll |
Sean Hannity, yes the same idiot who claimed that every single one of the millions of WMD that Saddam Hussein allegedly had was "smuggled" out of the country and into Syria "completely undetected by the CIA, NSA or the U.S. military - and that's why there were none found after we invaded Iraq.
And research shows that this was:
After Hans Blix and the UN weapons inspectors said there were no WMDs in Iraq, and
Before the White House itself admitted there were no WMDs in Iraq in 2006
So as not to outdo himself, Hannity takes stupid to another level, and Ed Shultz of MSNBC fame is there to point out the insanity of it all.
Shultz PAWNING Sean Hannity:
Typical Hannity, his is not just a liar, he's pathological. Sean is a national pariah when it comes to this type of hype and deceit, (Something Roger Ailes of Faux News encourages) and its obvious that Sean is in way over his head here. This goes well beyond his normal level of anti-Obama derangement.
Sean Hannity's motto:
"Never let facts stand in the way of a good partisan screed."
And you wonder and ask yourself why Faux News viewers are the dumbest on earth?
You don't have to watch Sean very long to know he isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. The endless lies that spew from Sean are a plethora:
Hannity Lies
"The Blowhard Next Door"
So I ask you readers, is Sean Hannity an intellectual powerhouse, or just another idiot?
Roger West