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Apparently ex-GOP county chair Don Yelton never took a course in crisis management; nor does he think he’s in the midst of a GOP cataclysmic crisis after deriding “lazy blacks” on The Daily Show Wednesday evening and subsequently resigning from his post. While continuing to defend himself from accusations of racism, Yelton has dug in even deeper, using the “n-word” repeatedly to make his point.
In an interview with The Wrap, Yelton once again stood by his controversial remarks, pointing the finger at reverse-racism.
“When a n—– can use the word n—– and it not be considered racist, that’s the utmost racism in the world, and it’s hypocrisy,” he told The Wrap.
According to Yelton, not only is the Republican Party “gutless” for forcing him out of his position, but they missed a perfect opportunity to use his comments as proof they are tolerant of many views.
“They can turn it into a positive if they want to,” he told The Wrap. “The party does not try to control the speech of individuals. That’s the point they could have made. You have to let people have an opinion.”
Instead, he lamented how the party chose to accept “this comedy show” as “the truth” and “come down with an iron fist.”
“There’s no political party that’s going to tell me what to say as long as I have breath in my body,” he concluded.
Yelton, meanwhile, feels no remorse since resigning, naturally, and claims that the comments of his that aired were actually tame compared to some of the others he made during the sit-down that were edited out.
Reports the Mountain Xpress:
Despite the controversy, Yelton tells Xpress: “The comments that were made, that I said, I stand behind them. I believe them.”
The short interview clips were edited together from a much longer two-hour sit-down, says Yelton. But he says he was pleased overall with the parts that were included. In fact, he notes that some of the comments he made that weren't included might’ve even been more controversial. “To tell you the truth, there were a lot of things I said that they could’ve made sound worse than what they put up.”
Well there you go!
Lets be clear readers, the republican party did not distance themselves from this guy until after he/they got caught. Does anyone in their right mind believe that Yelton, a "party leader" became a racist just in time for an interview with The Daily Show? Yelton was in a party leadership position because the people who put him there had no problems with his bigotry - that is until he made the critical error of telling the truth about his party in public.
Alan Grayson, with his email to the masses, which compared the Tea Party to the KKK, while upsetting to the racists, it is a fair analogy of the tin foil hat society, as Grayson said. "if the hat fits wear it".
Megan Kelly and Allen West [no relationship to this blogger] Defending the Racists
Grayson's full statement below.
Regarding the image that the campaign circulated, the Tea Party has engaged in relentless racist attacks against our African-American President. For example, when the President visited my home of Orlando, Tea Party protesters shouted “Kenyan Go Home.” Other examples include Tea Party chants of “Bye Bye, Blackbird,” and Tea Party posters saying “Obama’s Plan: White Slavery,” “Imam Obama Wants to Ban Pork” and “The Zoo Has An African Lion, and the White House Has a Lyin’ African,” as well as this repulsive one, depicting the President of the United States as an African witch doctor with bananas in his hair:
Tea Party members also have persisted in falsely characterizing the President as Kenyan and Moslem, despite all evidence, in order to disparage him. Members of the Tea Party have circulated countless altered pictures depicting President Obama and the First Lady as monkeys. Tea Party members also called my fellow Member of Congress, civil rights hero John Lewis, a “n***ger,” and Rep. Barney Frank a “faggot.” More generally, the leader of the Texas Tea Party displayed a poster saying “Congress=Slave Owner, Taxpayer=Niggar [sic].” Tea Party Members of Congress have referred to Hispanics as “wetbacks,” and having “cantaloupe-sized calves” from picking fruit. Tea Party candidates, including my opponent in the last election, have endorsed forcing Hispanics to speak English. One could go on and on, because there is overwhelming evidence that the Tea Party is the home of bigotry and discrimination in America today, just as the KKK was for an earlier generation. If the hood fits, wear it.
Grayson's comparison is not novel. Professors Matt Barretto and Christopher Parker, in their book "Tea Party, Change They Can't Believe In," published by Princeton University Press, make a similar case. "The authors argue that this isn't the first time a segment of American society has perceived the American way of life as under siege," the book's blurb reads. "In fact, movements of this kind often appear when some individuals believe that 'American' values are under threat by rapid social changes. Drawing connections between the Tea Party and right-wing reactionary movements of the past, including the Know-Nothing Party, the Ku Klux Klan of the 1920's, and the John Birch Society, Parker and Barreto develop a framework that transcends the Tea Party to shed light on its current and future consequences.
Regarding Allen West - when one of the most foul-mouthed ex-congressman is upset by someone else's "inflammatory" remarks - its truly a moment saturated in irony.
I keep harping back to the quote, "if that hat fits, wear it"!
Roger West