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Teapublican Congressman Joe "DEADBEAT DAD"Walsh |
Tea Party freshman Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL), who has spent months lecturing President Obama and Democrats on fiscal responsibility, owes $117,437 in child support to his ex-wife and three children.
Teabagger Joe has spurned the ire of many Americans, especially those from Illinois, and rightly so - as Illinois lawmakers have proposed a bill, which would forbid people owing more than ten thousand dollars for child support to be able to run for office.
Hear the new face of the radical conservative movement cheer letting people without heath insurance die, Cheer executions even when the person is found innocent, They believe if you lose your job its your fault your job is sent to china, They want senor citizens and the disabled to live on the streets so wall street can have there social security, They want woman that are raped to carry the rapist baby - but of course don’t want to help raise the rapist baby. They encourage killing Doctors that perform legal medical procedures because their ideology tells them its OK."
But yet, its perfectly acceptable to be a deadbeat dad? Do we see a pattern here readers? NFTOS has written hundreds of blogs on this hypocrisy.
NFTOS readers, are you tired of blogs that deal with hope, salvation and redemption? Have you been looking for a blog that deals with unabashed stupidity? Then you're in luck, because this teapublican "Joe Walsh" story is the epitome of WTF moments.
Bashir is not the only MSNBC host to call out this imbecile. Lawrence O'Donnell banned Walsh from his show for being a deadbeat dad.
O'Donnell Slamming Joe "deadbeat dad" Walsh:
The only thing worse than a liar is a deadbeat liar, and teapublcian Joe Walsh qualifies. It seems that while he's had money to loan his campaign $35,000 and gallivant around with his girlfriend, his ex-wife and children haven't received anything from him. Yeah, this from the same guy who had the nerve to open up his video with this:
“President Obama, quit lying. Have you no shame, sir? In three short years, you’ve bankrupted this country.”
Joe Walsh clearly lies whenever it suits him to avoid obligations, he gets away with all sorts of exceptions others wouldn't. Others would get their license suspended, their wages garnished or weekends in the local jail. But Walsh seems to manage to stay one step ahead of it whenever he can.
This weltanschauung is classic teabagger. Lie, cheat, steal, and then walk away from moral and financial obligations as though they were nothing to worry about.
Give me a freaking break!
Staff Writer
Steve "Damn Nazi Liberal" Chevapravatdumrong