I have many words for this election cycle, but I have no strength left to put it into a blog.
Setting the tone for moving forward, we have to consider many things, the biggest one is, do I keep blogging.
Last night, hate and evil won over what is good in America. Last night and today, from watching speaker Ryan, very archaic America beat out new progressive America.
An America chock full of wing nuts - that being the Senate, the House and the Presidency, leaves a sane America, and the world, trembling in their boots.
For those whom Trump called out during his campaign, be very concerned.Our only hope, that this potential child rape case sends Trump to where he belongs.
I will not ever join Trump and his basket full of deporables. I'll let him sink us into oblivion on his own. His values are not mine, his vision for a radical alt right insanity, I will never co-champion.
I sit in wonderment, as to what the all powerful Oz [God] has planned for this country. So it is He that I have to lean on for guidance and strength.
NFTOS will be taking a respite to discuss our future. What transpires, I have no clue. If this is indeed the end, I'll be back for one more blog to thank both; our loyal readers and those 75 million visitors whom have visited this site.
For now, stay safe and be at peace!
Your blogger

- News From The Other Side
- When Roger West first launched the progressive political blog "News From The Other Side" in May 2010, he could hardly have predicted the impact that his venture would have on the media and political debate. As the New Media emerged as a counterbalance to established media sources, Roger wrote his copious blogs about national politics, the tea party movement, mid-term elections, and the failings of the radical right to the vanguard of the New Media movement. Roger West's efforts as a leading blogger have tremendous reach. NFTOS has led the effort to bring accountability to mainstream media sources such as FOX NEWS, Breitbart's "Big Journalism. Roger's breadth of experience, engaging style, and cultivation of loyal readership - over 92 million visitors - give him unique insight into the past, present, and future of the New Media and political rhetoric that exists in our society today. What we are against: Radical Right Wing Agendas Incompetent Establishment Donald J. Trump Corporate Malfeasence We are for: Global and Econmoic Security Social and Economic Justice Media Accountability THE RESISTANCE
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Bill Maher appeared on Jimmy Fallon’s show the night before the 2016 presidential election, and he tried to be funny despite the fact that he was feeling fairly somber.
“It’s not funny,” Maher said of Trump’s presidential candidacy. “This is a different thing. I did a whole mea culpa on my show Friday night, I talked about Mitt Romney, George Bush, Reagan, McCain like it was the end of the world. It would never have been the end of the world with those guys. This is different. This guy is different.”Fallon then asked Maher if he had anything to say to voters who were still undecided between Clinton and Trump. Maher took a deep breath and, with an exasperated look on his face, went down the litany of Trump’s sins.
“First of all, really? I mean, he’s a racist, a liar, a tax cheat, a deadbeat, a Russian agent, and a sexual predator,” Maher said. “‘How do you find your way out of the door in the morning?’ is what I would say to the undecideds.”Maher then got serious again and said he’d tell undecided that Trump really is a “different beast” from other presidential nominees we’ve seen.
Roger West
Monday, November 7, 2016
Jake Tapper called out Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway on Sunday for falsely suggesting that Donald Trump was the target of an assassination attempt at a rally in Reno where a protester was beaten by fans of the billionaire candidate.
After 33-year-old Austyn Crites was pummeled by Trump fans on Saturday for holding a “Republicans Against Trump” sign at the GOP nominee’s Reno rally, Donald Trump Jr. and Trump aide Dan Scavino falsely called the incident an “assassination attempt.”
On Sunday, Tapper asked Conway to explain why the Trump campaign was “retweeting misinformation that this was an assassination attempt.”
Conway concluded by defiantly offering to retract the assassination claim if CNN retracts “all the storylines, all the headlines, all the breathless predictions of the last two weeks that turned out not to be true.”
After 33-year-old Austyn Crites was pummeled by Trump fans on Saturday for holding a “Republicans Against Trump” sign at the GOP nominee’s Reno rally, Donald Trump Jr. and Trump aide Dan Scavino falsely called the incident an “assassination attempt.”
On Sunday, Tapper asked Conway to explain why the Trump campaign was “retweeting misinformation that this was an assassination attempt.”
“It’s scary,” Conway opined. “All the coverage is usually about our protesters wreaking havoc and making people feel afraid. And it certainly goes both ways. I’m with Mr. Trump and the Secret Service routinely. They do an amazing job.”
“I also want to point out because some people are spreading misinformation about the protester,” she continued. “He had canvassed for Hillary Clinton and he had donated to her campaign. So, this is a Democratic plant or operative trying to disrupt our rally. And I think people saw a nimble resilient Donald Trump who would be nimble and resilient as president as well.”
“Except it wasn't an assassination attempt,” Tapper pointed out. “It was apparently a local voter, a Republican who says he is supporting Hillary Clinton. He has given money to Hillary Clinton. He has canvassed for Hillary Clinton. But he says he’s a Republican. But most importantly, he was not trying to assassinate anyone.”
“This was not an assassination attempt, but why is your campaign spreading that it was?” Tapper wondered.
“That’s really remarkable,” Conway replied. “That that’s what the story line is here.”Pivoting to the Democratic nominee, the Trump campaign manager asserted that Hillary Clinton was traveling with Beyonce because she was having trouble getting people to come to her events.
Conway concluded by defiantly offering to retract the assassination claim if CNN retracts “all the storylines, all the headlines, all the breathless predictions of the last two weeks that turned out not to be true.”
“You guys retract that and I'll give a call to Dan Scavino about the retweet,” Conway quipped.
“I never reported anything along those lines,” Tapper stated.
“CNN certainly has,” Conway shot back as Tapper shrugged. “You’ve got to be honest here.”
“We’ve been saying all along that Donald Trump has a path to the presidency,” Tapper insisted.
“Wow!” Conway exclaimed.
“You can say ‘wow’ all you want, I’ve never said that the race was over,” Tapper laughed. “We can replay as many tapes as you want.”
Sunday, November 6, 2016
With 72 hours remaining until Election Day, Hillary Clinton (Kate McKinnon) and Donald Trump (Alec Baldwin) appear on Erin Burnett (Cecily Strong) OutFront to make their final pitch for the presidency.
With 72 hours remaining until Election Day, Hillary Clinton (Kate McKinnon) and Donald Trump (Alec Baldwin) appear on Erin Burnett (Cecily Strong) OutFront to make their final pitch for the presidency.
Roger West
Saturday, November 5, 2016
Bill Maher last night thanked Donald Trump for exposing his evangelical Christian supporters as the shameless hypocrites they've always been.
Bill Maher last night thanked Donald Trump for exposing his evangelical Christian supporters as the shameless hypocrites they've always been.
Roger West
Friday, November 4, 2016
Melania gave a speech yesterday about cyberbullying during a campaign event for her deplorable husband.
Panelists joined CNN anchor Don Lemon on Thursday night to discuss Melania’s interest in the cause. Lemon started the segment with a chuckle, “She spoke out about online bullying — I wonder if it came as a surprise to her husband.”
Republican strategist Ana Navarro joined the conversation as well with an important message for Melania. Before offering her opinion on the matter, Lemon read off some of Trump’s mean tweets about himself and Navarro.
Panelists joined CNN anchor Don Lemon on Thursday night to discuss Melania’s interest in the cause. Lemon started the segment with a chuckle, “She spoke out about online bullying — I wonder if it came as a surprise to her husband.”
Republican strategist Ana Navarro joined the conversation as well with an important message for Melania. Before offering her opinion on the matter, Lemon read off some of Trump’s mean tweets about himself and Navarro.
“He has called me a lightweight, dumb as a rock. He’s called you a flunky, one of the dumbest people in politics, and said you have no talent.”Navarro explains that yes, it’s an important topic to discuss and an important issue to address.
“It’s often time done under anonymity,” she says. “Donald Trump does it on his own.”
She offers Melania some solid advice and says, “If Melania Trump wants to something against online bullying, really, all she’s gotta do is put a little melatonin in his night time milk, and maybe lullaby him to sleep.”
“Take his phone away, tie his hands up,” she continues as Lemon laughs with her.She says she understands why Melania finds the issue important but that, “It’s a very difficult argument to make when you’re sleeping next to Donald Trump, who’s tweeting at 3 in the morning and tweeting really ridiculous things.”
“Her spouse is crazy!” Navarro continues, “And tweets crazy stuff in the middle of the night!”
Thursday, November 3, 2016
Yesterday Fuckface Von Clownstick repeatedly called out MSNBC reporter Katy Tur in front of 4,000 people after the Secret Service took precautions to protect her from his supporters at an earlier event.
While speaking to a crowd in Miami, Trump egged on hatred of the media and accused reporters of being “the most dishonest people.”
Several minutes later, Trump again complained that the cameras “are not turning around to see this incredible group of people.”
While speaking to a crowd in Miami, Trump egged on hatred of the media and accused reporters of being “the most dishonest people.”
“There has never been dishonesty like we’ve seen in this election,” he bellowed. “Don’t worry, they won’t spin the cameras and show the kind of massive crowds. They won’t do it.”
“Never before have so many media organizations, old and new, abandoned all pretense of fairness to take sides to try to pick a president,” Trump charged. “It’s unbelievable. For instance, we’ll have a great story. We’ll give it out to the media and they’ll make it look as bad as possible.”
“CNN sucks! CNN sucks!” the crowd chanted in response.
Several minutes later, Trump again complained that the cameras “are not turning around to see this incredible group of people.”
“We have massive crowds, there’s something happening,” he opined. “They’re not reporting it.”Tur revealed in an April essay for Marie Claire that the Secret Service had taken steps to protect her after Trump called her out at an event in December.
“Katy, you’re not reporting it, Katy,” Trump said, pointing to MSNBC’s Katy Tur. “But there’s something happening, Katy. There’s something happening, Katy!”
“It’s unlikely, however, that any of Trump’s future attacks will be as scary as what happened in Mount Pleasant, where the crowd, feeding off Trump, seemed to turn on me like a large animal, angry and unchained,” she wrote. “It wasn’t until hours later, when Secret Service took the extraordinary step of walking me to my car, that the incident sank in.”
“The wave of insults, harassment, and threats, via various social-media feeds, hasn’t stopped since. Many of the attacks are unprintable,” Tur added. “But I’m still ready with a wave. And whether or not Trump wins the White House, I’ll still run for those live shots. What else am I supposed to do?”
Roger West
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
CNN discussions last night over the FBI’s sudden decision to release old files on Bill Clinton, just days before voters go to the polls turned into a shouting match as boosters of Donald Trump ridiculed the idea that there was something suspicious about the document dump.
Trump mouthpieces Kayleigh McEnany and Corey Lewandowski attempted to make the case that there was nothing odd about the release of information about the Clintons so close to the election.
Commentator Angela Rye was quick to point out that the FBI suddenly activated a dormant Twitter account to disseminate information — mostly to the detriment of the Clintons.
Trump mouthpieces Kayleigh McEnany and Corey Lewandowski attempted to make the case that there was nothing odd about the release of information about the Clintons so close to the election.
Commentator Angela Rye was quick to point out that the FBI suddenly activated a dormant Twitter account to disseminate information — mostly to the detriment of the Clintons.
‘This is from an account that has not been used since October 2015, before Sunday,” Rye explained. “On Sunday they released the I.G report about Hillary Clinton’s e-mails. On Sunday they released surveillance requests about the Baltimore protests having to do with Freddie Gray. The only thing on the Trump side was an investigation about Donald Trump and his father donating to city council members at the time.”
“It hasn’t been used since October and it just so happens that the Friday after Director Comey sends this letter out to the Republican chairmen on the House and Senate side,” she continued. “All of a sudden this account needs to be used?”
“Questioning the integrity of the Federal Bureau of Investigation is not going to win you a single voter –” McEnany began before Democratic consultant Keith Boykin jumped in.
“The election is rigged is an OK thing for you to do?” he exclaimed. “You guys are the kings and queens of the conspiracy theories!”
Roger West
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Keith Olbermann called for the immediate resignation of both FBI Director James Comey and Rep. Jason Chaffetz for their handling of the latest Hillary Clinton email revelations.
A furious Olbermann said Comey and Chaffetz — who had rescinded his endorsement of Donald Trump over a hot mic recording that revealed him boasting of sexual assaulting women — appear to have colluded on the release of the statement Friday afternoon for partisan political gain.
[h/t rawstory]
A furious Olbermann said Comey and Chaffetz — who had rescinded his endorsement of Donald Trump over a hot mic recording that revealed him boasting of sexual assaulting women — appear to have colluded on the release of the statement Friday afternoon for partisan political gain.
“Why did (Chaffetz) late Wednesday night suddenly pivot back to supporting Trump?” Olberman said. “Why did he reverse 36 hours before Comey’s historically slovenly, craven note that left Pandora’s box unjustly unlocked so that a sniveling little coward like Chaffetz could peek inside (and) then deliberately exaggerate what he saw and fuel Donald Trump’s latest delusion rage.”Olbermann said Chaffetz put words in Comey’s mouth by saying the investigation, which had never been officially closed, had been reopened, although other FBI agents have said Clinton did not send or receive the newly recovered emails.
“Then Donald Trump said that — and lied,” Olbermann said, and then much of the media reported those inaccurate claims throughout the weekend. “By the time they started backtracking, the toothpaste was already out of the tube.”Olbermann said the timing suggests that Chaffetz is either a prophet or he knew Comey’s note was coming.
“If Chaffetz knew Comey’s note was coming, then he and Comey or other sources in the FBI have colluded to try to manipulate the election, in which case Mr. Chaffetz and Mr. Comey may need the best criminal defense attorneys that money may procure,” Olbermann said.He wondered whether Chaffetz tipped off Trump about Comey’s note, and Olbermann wondered who could “clear this up a week and a day before the most important election since before the Civil War?”
“(Chaffetz) and James Comey may have been the lynchpins in a plot to turn over this country by treachery to Donald Trump,” Olbermann said. “It is a plot that is indeed, as Trump boasted, worse than Watergate.”
[h/t rawstory]
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