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When Roger West first launched the progressive political blog "News From The Other Side" in May 2010, he could hardly have predicted the impact that his venture would have on the media and political debate. As the New Media emerged as a counterbalance to established media sources, Roger wrote his copious blogs about national politics, the tea party movement, mid-term elections, and the failings of the radical right to the vanguard of the New Media movement. Roger West's efforts as a leading blogger have tremendous reach. NFTOS has led the effort to bring accountability to mainstream media sources such as FOX NEWS, Breitbart's "Big Journalism. Roger's breadth of experience, engaging style, and cultivation of loyal readership - over 92 million visitors - give him unique insight into the past, present, and future of the New Media and political rhetoric that exists in our society today. What we are against: Radical Right Wing Agendas Incompetent Establishment Donald J. Trump Corporate Malfeasence We are for: Global and Econmoic Security Social and Economic Justice Media Accountability THE RESISTANCE

Tuesday, September 24, 2024



Mark Robinson, North Carolina’s current lieutenant governor and the Republican nominee for governor, has a disturbing history that should concern anyone following his political career. Robinson’s rise to power has been fraught with controversial remarks, but recently uncovered online activity from over a decade ago sheds light on even more diabolical aspects of his character. According to a CNN investigation, Robinson participated in lewd and shocking discussions on a pornographic website, making inflammatory and grotesque statements that seem to contradict the image he attempts to project today.

Before his entry into politics, Robinson frequented the message board of a site called "Nude Africa," a pornographic platform. There, under the username “minisoldr,” Robinson made multiple inflammatory and disturbing comments, including referring to himself as a “black NAZI” and even expressing support for the reinstatement of slavery. This kind of rhetoric is beyond controversial—it is dangerous. The use of the term “black NAZI” signals an embrace of extremist ideology, shocking not just because of its contradiction to history but also for its flagrant flirtation with fascist sentiments.

What makes these revelations even more disturbing is Robinson’s current political stance. He is known for his socially conservative, often inflammatory rhetoric, including frequent attacks on the LGBTQ+ community. Robinson has positioned himself as a defender of "traditional" values, often using his Christian faith as a defense for his extreme views. Yet, the comments revealed in this investigation show a man with deep contradictions. For example, despite his vocal anti-transgender stance, Robinson admitted in the forum to enjoying transgender pornography. This stark contrast between his public positions and private behavior shows a troubling inconsistency.

The comments made by Robinson on this website were not just offensive—they were deeply dehumanizing and sexist. He often reveled in graphic and sexual content, labeling himself a "perv" and participating in conversations that would shock many of his supporters. While everyone is entitled to their private lives, Robinson's penchant for extreme and lewd commentary, coupled with his aggressive public stance on morality, exposes an astonishing level of hypocrisy.

More than just personal failings, Robinson’s past comments reveal a deeper ideological extremism that reflects poorly on his current political ambitions. By expressing support for reinstating slavery, even in an online forum, Robinson betrays a deep-rooted disregard for civil rights and the horrors of historical oppression. These statements cannot be brushed off as mere internet banter; they speak to a mindset that is troubling for someone seeking the governorship of a diverse state like North Carolina.

Robinson’s defense, denying that he made these comments, falls apart when examined against the evidence. CNN matched the username “minisoldr” to Robinson by connecting it to a shared email address and a plethora of biographical details that match his online identity. Robinson’s denials, therefore, ring hollow in the face of overwhelming evidence pointing to his direct involvement in these conversations. It seems he is more concerned with preserving his political image than taking accountability for his actions.

This scandal is just the latest in a long line of troubling behavior from Robinson. His political career has been marked by extreme and often dangerous rhetoric. He has referred to the LGBTQ+ community as “filth,” promoted conspiracy theories about election fraud, and championed a Christian nationalist agenda that seeks to impose religious beliefs on the government. His rise to power reflects a growing trend in American politics where figures who embrace extremist rhetoric and foster division gain prominence, but the revelations of his online activity take this to another level.

Robinson’s inability to reconcile his public positions with his private actions creates an image of a man who thrives on contradiction. While positioning himself as a moral crusader, he engages in behavior that directly contradicts the values he claims to uphold. This duplicity speaks to a broader issue in politics today, where figures like Robinson are able to cultivate a following by speaking to fear, hatred, and division while hiding their own flaws and failings behind a mask of righteousness.

It’s essential to understand the broader implications of Robinson’s statements and actions. His rhetoric not only promotes division but actively stokes the flames of intolerance. His comments about slavery reveal a man disconnected from the suffering and history of Black Americans, while his embrace of fascist-like terminology further isolates him from mainstream democratic values. It’s hard to imagine how someone who once claimed to support slavery could now credibly claim to serve all people of North Carolina as governor.

While his base of far-right supporters may overlook these controversies, the broader public must grapple with the consequences of electing someone with such a disturbing record. Robinson’s candidacy is a reflection of the deeper ideological battles raging within the Republican party, where figures who once would have been considered fringe now take center stage. His rise demonstrates the extent to which extremism has been normalized within certain segments of American politics.

Mark Robinson’s comments on that pornographic forum, while shocking, are just one part of a broader, deeply concerning pattern of behavior. His use of divisive rhetoric, promotion of conspiracy theories, and embrace of extremist views make him a dangerous candidate for governor. North Carolina deserves a leader who respects all its citizens and upholds democratic values, not someone who peddles in hate, hypocrisy, and intolerance. Robinson’s past should serve as a warning of the dangers of unchecked extremism in political office, and his candidacy must be critically examined in light of these disturbing revelations.

Roger West

Sunday, September 15, 2024

"They're Eating The Pets", Laura Loomer, The Stupidity Loop Oh My!

Tangerine Palpatine has Finally Found his Eva Braun

Moving forward on all blogs with Donald Trump - we will be referring to him as Tangerine Palpatine.

The rise of Tangerine Palpatine brought with it a new era of political idiocy, where lies and conspiracy theories became mainstream currency for his most fervent supporters. Enter Laura Loomer, a prime example of how far-right grifters, desperate for relevance, latch onto the Tangerine Palpatine train, embracing a "stupidity loop" that keeps misinformation churning for an audience more interested in outrage than reality. The lie that immigrants were eating pets in Springfield, Ohio, perfectly captures this moronic cycle—a tale so absurd it should’ve died instantly, but instead, it spread like wildfire among Tangerine Palpatine supporters, revealing the intellectual rot at the core of MAGA culture.

The so-called pet-eating immigrants' rumor, devoid of any basis in fact, was a symptom of the broader MAGA disease—a pathological need to demonize the "other" to justify their xenophobic and often racist agenda. Instead of embracing reality, Tangerine Palpatine and his followers, including fringe mouthpieces like Loomer, peddled fantasy, doubling down on fabrications because they knew their audience would eat it up. This is the stupidity loop in action: feed the base an outlandish claim, watch as they regurgitate it across social media, and then reinforce the lie with more lies. Facts? Who needs them when ignorance is your currency?

Laura Loomer, is a deviant fuck, a relentless attention-seeker with a penchant for bigotry, epitomizes this loop. Her career is a cesspool of Islamophobia, immigrant-bashing, and sheer idiocy. She has never let truth get in the way of a good grift, and Trumpism provided her with the perfect audience—people who are not only willing but eager to believe the most asinine, fact-free claims. The idea that immigrants are coming to America to feast on household pets is so patently ridiculous, yet in the MAGA echo chamber, it became just one more "truth" in their alternate universe where Trump walks on water and immigrants are demonic invaders.

This idiocy isn’t harmless. It's part of the calculated narrative that Tangerine Palpatine and his minions, including Loomer, use to manipulate their followers. The Springfield pet-eating hoax was deployed to whip up fear, making immigrants out to be savage threats to American life. But the real savagery is the intellectual wasteland that Trump and his cult-like movement have created, where followers reject reality for the comforting delusion that they’re the last bastion of civilization, fighting off hordes of barbaric invaders. It’s as stupid as it sounds, but MAGA thrives on stupidity.

Tangerine Palpatine, of course, has mastered the stupidity loop. From his claims that Mexico would pay for the wall to his constant fearmongering about immigrant "rapists" and "criminals," he’s built his empire on lies. When a figure like Laura Loomer amplifies these falsehoods, she’s just one more cog in the MAGA machine—a machine that runs on ignorance, paranoia, and racism. The Springfield lie was another tool in Tangerine Palpatine's arsenal to stoke division, and Loomer was only too happy to carry the torch, proving once again that in Tangerine Palpatine’s America, stupidity isn’t a bug; it’s a feature.

The fact that so many people bought into the idea of immigrants eating pets reveals the intellectual bankruptcy of MAGA world. These are the same people who believe Tangerine Palpatine’s election was stolen, despite all evidence to the contrary, and that COVID-19 was a hoax. Loomer, who thrives on the paranoia of these people, knows exactly what she’s doing. She doesn’t care about truth or integrity. Like Tangerine Palpatine, she’s playing to the lowest common denominator, banking on the fact that there’s always a large segment of the population ready to believe the most ridiculous, xenophobic garbage if it aligns with their fears.

But let’s not kid ourselves—this stupidity isn’t accidental. It’s intentional. Tangerine Palpatine, Loomer, and their ilk actively cultivate this culture of ignorance because it keeps their base loyal, angry, and, most importantly, distracted from the real issues. When Tangerine Palpatine rails against immigrants or Loomer spews her bile about Muslims, they aren’t offering solutions. They’re creating scapegoats, diverting attention from their own failures by manufacturing crises that don’t exist. Immigrants aren’t eating pets in Ohio, but why let that stop the stupidity train?

The stupidity loop goes like this: someone like Loomer or Tangerine Palpatine throws out a blatantly false, inflammatory statement, it gets picked up by right-wing media, spreads like a virus through MAGA social circles, and by the time it’s debunked, it doesn’t matter because the lie has already served its purpose. In this case, the lie was meant to demonize immigrants further, reinforcing the ridiculous notion that America is under siege by foreign hordes who don’t share our values. In truth, it’s the MAGA crowd that doesn’t share American values—values like truth, integrity, and basic decency.

Loomer’s career is the perfect testament to this stupidity loop. Despite being banned from multiple social media platforms for hate speech and misinformation, she still found a home among Tangerine Palpatine’s die-hard followers. Why? Because in MAGA world, facts are irrelevant, and the more outrageous the claim, the more likely it is to be believed. It’s not that Tangerine Palpatine and Loomer are misinformed or misguided—they know exactly what they’re doing. They’re cynically manipulating the stupidity of their base to maintain power, profit, and relevance. 

Ultimately, the pet-eating immigrant lie in Springfield wasn’t just a random hoax—it was a strategic deployment of disinformation in the service of a broader agenda. Tangerine Palpatine, Loomer, and their followers are engaged in a battle against reality itself, using the stupidity loop to keep their base in a perpetual state of fear and anger. It’s a strategy that worked for Tangerine Palpatine throughout his presidency, and figures like Loomer are more than happy to continue the cycle. The result is a political landscape where truth is dead, and the only thing that matters is how many people you can convince to believe your lies.

In this idiotic world, it’s not surprising that a rumor as absurd as immigrants eating pets gained traction. What’s surprising is that there’s still a sizable portion of America willing to believe it, proving once again that in Tangerine Palpatine’s MAGA dystopia, stupidity isn’t just encouraged—it’s mandatory.

Roger West

Thursday, September 5, 2024

“Unwitting” Russian Useful Idiots



Benny Johnson and Tim Pool, two prominent mouthpieces in the MAGA media ecosystem, have long presented themselves as truth-tellers exposing the lies of the mainstream press. However, recent revelations from the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) show that both of these figures, along with other influencers like Dave Rubin, and Tayler Hansen, were involved in a Russian-funded disinformation campaign, whether they knew it or not. According to a federal indictment, Russian state-backed entities funneled nearly $10 million into a media company believed to be Tenet Media, which employed Johnson, Pool, and others. While all of them claim they were unaware of the source of the funding, ignorance does not absolve one from the law.

Benny Johnson, no stranger to controversy, was fired from BuzzFeed in 2014 for plagiarism, an incident that had already called into question his credibility as a journalist. BuzzFeed’s internal review found over 40 instances of plagiarism in Johnson’s work, tarnishing his reputation. This history of ethical breaches only adds to the weight of his involvement in the Russian disinformation scheme. While he claims to have been an unwitting participant, his track record suggests a pattern of irresponsibility when it comes to the accuracy and integrity of his work​.

Dave Rubin, who has positioned himself as a free speech advocate and critic of mainstream media, now finds himself entangled in a scheme designed to manipulate American public opinion for Russian interests. Rubin’s significant following only magnifies the reach of the disinformation he helped spread, and while he insists that he was deceived by Tenet Media’s founders, his negligence in not thoroughly investigating the company’s funding is glaring. The law does not excuse such ignorance, especially when the content in question aims to interfere with American elections. Rubin, like the others, must face the reality that he played a key role in spreading harmful narratives.​

Tayler Hansen, another key figure in this media operation, was also swept into this disinformation campaign. Known for his activism and strong right-wing commentary, Hansen’s involvement underscores the pervasive nature of this Russian influence operation. While he, too, claims to be a victim of the scheme, Hansen’s participation in spreading propaganda—whether knowingly or not—poses a serious threat to American democracy. The DOJ’s investigation shows that all of these influencers, including Hansen, Rubin, Johnson, Pool were integral parts of a larger effort to sway public opinion in favor of Russian interests​

It’s important to understand that being "unwitting" participants in a foreign propaganda campaign does not negate the seriousness of their actions. The DOJ has made it clear that violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) and conspiracy to commit money laundering are at the heart of this case. Johnson, Pool, Rubin, Hansen may not have known that Russian agents were behind the scenes, but the law still holds individuals accountable for their role in disseminating content designed to undermine American democracy. The DOJ’s pursuit of these violations underscores that such influence operations are not minor infractions; they are crimes that strike at the core of national security​.

Attorney General Merrick Garland, in his recent address before Congress, emphasized the significance of this case as part of a broader effort to counter foreign interference in U.S. elections. Garland made it clear that this kind of operation represents a "bigger threat than it ever was before" and that the U.S. government will be "relentlessly aggressive" in pursuing individuals and organizations involved in these schemes. Whether Pool, Johnson, Rubin, Hansen knowingly participated or were merely useful idiots in a larger operation is irrelevant when the consequences are this dire. The damage has been done, and the law will hopefully hold those responsible accountable​.

Pool, Johnson, and their colleagues have all issued statements claiming victimhood, asserting that they were deceived by Tenet Media’s founders. However, this defense feels hollow in light of the indictment. When dealing with political content that could shape public opinion and influence elections, due diligence is not just recommended—it’s required. Pool's and Johnson's claims that they were merely engaging in a “standard business deal” – and yet they ignored the profound responsibility that comes with their platform sizes. Their negligence, whether deliberate or accidental, helped spread Russian propaganda aimed at destabilizing the U.S. democracy​.

Furthermore, the law offers little sympathy for those who claim ignorance. Under FARA, anyone acting on behalf of a foreign government must register and disclose their activities, whether they are aware of the connection or not. The DOJ’s indictment makes it clear that the influencers involved in this scheme, including Rubin and Hansen, were tools in a larger Russian disinformation campaign. Even if they were unaware, their actions contributed to spreading narratives that benefitted a foreign adversary. Ignorance is not a defense when national security is at stake​.

As Congress continues to investigate foreign interference in U.S. elections, this case serves as a stark reminder that no one is above scrutiny, especially when national security is involved. The DOJ has taken a hardline stance on foreign interference, and cases like this illustrate why. The fact that Johnson, Pool, Rubin, Hansen were used as unwitting agents of Russian influence - does not make their actions any less dangerous or harmful. Their platforms helped spread divisive narratives, and for that, they should be held accountable by both the law and their audiences​.

Together, these five influencers represent a significant portion of the extreme MAGA alternative media landscape that appeals to audiences disillusioned with mainstream outlets. Their collective failure to recognize the origins of their funding or question the intent behind the content they were producing has serious consequences. The DOJ’s aggressive pursuit of this case signals that foreign interference will not be tolerated, no matter how large or influential the figures involved may be. Whether it’s Rubin’s insistence on free speech, Pool’s claim to be a victim, or Johnson’s dismissive stance on his role, the law is clear: ignorance is not a defense when it comes to safeguarding national security​

As the DOJ continues to uncover more about this operation, the involvement of Rubin, Johnson, Pool, and Hansen, underscores the broader issue of accountability in media. With thousands of followers and significant influence, these individuals cannot afford to be reckless in their business dealings. Their failure to recognize the signs of foreign interference has had devastating consequences, and they now face both legal and public scrutiny. The intertwining of their stories reveals a disturbing trend of media figures being used as tools for foreign powers, whether they realize it or not​, the involvement of these influencers demonstrates the pervasive nature of Russian influence operations. Whether through negligence, willful blindness, or just being plain fucking stupid, they contributed to the spread of dangerous disinformation that threatens the fabric of American democracy. Their audiences deserve better, and the law should hold them accountable for their actions, regardless of their claimed ignorance.

I guess in MAGA land, those supposedly against fake news, spread fake news! MAGA influencing requires zero fact checking, and they stand by the creed and motto of, never ever let facts get in the way of great bullshit story.

In the end, Johnson, Pool, Rubin, Hansen’s involvement in this Russian disinformation campaign highlights a broader issue with the MAGA media ecosystem: a reckless disregard for the truth. Whether intentional or not, they played a role in promoting Kremlin-backed narratives. They may try to paint themselves as victims of an elaborate scheme, but the fact remains—they helped spread disinformation that threatens the integrity of American democracy. Their audiences should demand more accountability from those who claim to stand for truth while spreading falsehoods.

Let’s make an example out of these influencers…..lock these MOFO’s up!

Roger West

Wednesday, August 28, 2024



Captain Bone Spurs Desecrating Hallowed Grounds

Donald Trump's (Captain Bone Spurs) visit to Arlington National Cemetery, an event ostensibly meant to honor fallen soldiers, has instead become a glaring example of his disregard for protocol and the sanctity of national symbols. What should have been a solemn occasion turned into a politically charged spectacle, a move that not only disrespected the memory of those who served but also flaunted the legal and ethical boundaries that govern such sacred spaces.

Captain Bone Spurs actions at Arlington, where his campaign staff reportedly bulldozed their way into Section 60 for a photo op, have drawn sharp criticism. Section 60 is where the most recent U.S. military casualties are laid to rest, a place of profound grief and reflection for the families of the fallen. By choosing this location for a campaign-related photo opportunity, Trump crossed a line that few would dare to approach. The cemetery staff, understanding the gravity of the situation, advised against such a display, making it clear that only authorized personnel were allowed to take photographs or film in that area. Yet, this warning was brazenly ignored.

This incident exemplifies a pattern in Captain Bone Spurs behavior—a tendency to prioritize self-promotion over respect for institutions and traditions that are integral to the fabric of American society. Arlington National Cemetery is not just a plot of land; it is a symbol of the ultimate sacrifice made by thousands of Americans in service to their country. To use it as a backdrop for a political campaign is to cheapen that sacrifice, reducing it to mere scenery in the theater of Donnie's relentless pursuit of power.

The legal implications of this incident are significant. Federal law prohibits the use of military cemeteries for political campaign activities, recognizing the need to keep such hallowed grounds free from the taint of partisan politics. By proceeding with the photo op despite being informed of its illegality, Captain Bone Spurs and his campaign staff may have violated these laws, showing once again his administration's disregard for the rule of law when it conflicts with their interests.

This disregard is not just about breaking the law; it's about the message it sends. Arlington is a place where politics should be set aside, where the focus is solely on honoring those who have given everything for their country. Captain Bone Spurs actions undermine this sacred principle, demonstrating a willingness to exploit even the most revered spaces for personal gain. It's a move that speaks to a broader issue: the erosion of respect for national institutions under this man's leadership.

Critics have rightly pointed out that this is not just a matter of poor optics; it's a fundamental disrespect for what Arlington represents. The cemetery is a place of collective mourning and remembrance, a site where the pain of loss is palpable, and where the sacrifices of America's servicemen and women are honored with the dignity they deserve. To intrude upon this space for a campaign photo op is to trivialize the suffering of those who have lost loved ones in service to their country.

The reaction to this incident has been one of widespread condemnation, with many viewing it as yet another example of Fuckface Von Clownstick's inability to grasp the gravity of his actions. His tenure has been marked by a consistent pattern of behavior that prioritizes personal and political gain over the values that underpin American democracy. This latest episode at Arlington is a stark reminder of the consequences of such an approach.

In the end, Captain Bone spurs Arlington photo op is more than just a misstep; it's a symbol of the broader decay in the respect for institutions that his presidency has fostered. It's a reminder that the office of the president should be held by someone who understands and respects the weight of the nation's history and its symbols, someone who recognizes that some places and some moments should remain untouched by the divisive nature of politics.

This incident should serve as a wake-up call to those who still view Captain Bone Spurs as a defender of American values. The values he appears to defend are not those of respect, honor, or sacrifice but rather those of self-promotion and personal aggrandizement. Arlington National Cemetery deserves better, and so does America.

Roger West

Thursday, August 8, 2024



Donald Trump’s legacy is steeped in deceit, corruption, and an almost pathological disregard for ethics and decency. His business empire, far from being a beacon of success, is littered with failed ventures and bankruptcies that reveal a chronic inability to sustain anything of lasting value. The fraudulent nature of Trump University stands as a monument to his willingness to exploit the vulnerable for personal gain, resulting in a $25 million settlement for defrauding students who trusted his empty promises. His record as a businessman is not one of triumph, but of financial irresponsibility, deceit, and a cavalier attitude toward the consequences of his actions on others.

In the realm of politics and personal conduct, Trump’s behavior is equally abhorrent. His presidency was marked by a relentless assault on truth and decency, culminating in over 30,000 documented false or misleading claims during his time in office. His disdain for the rule of law is evident in the numerous legal battles he has faced, from obstructing justice during the Mueller investigation to inciting an insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. Trump's life and career are a testament to his willingness to trample on ethics, legality, and human decency in pursuit of power and wealth, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake.

Just a few tidbits on Fuckface Von Clownstick below:

Trump Taj Mahal (1991):

Trump’s casino in Atlantic City declared bankruptcy due to high debt load.
Restructured debts and agreed to cede half his stake to bondholders.

Trump Plaza Hotel (1992):

Entered Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
Trump gave up a 49% stake and lost control to Citibank and other lenders.

Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts (2004):

Filed for bankruptcy due to $1.8 billion in debt.
Trump relinquished control, keeping a minority stake.

Trump Entertainment Resorts (2009):

Filed for bankruptcy protection, the third bankruptcy involving this entity.
Trump resigned from the board but retained a small stake.


Trump Airlines (1988-1992):

Purchased Eastern Air Shuttle, rebranded it, but failed due to high operational costs and debt.
Eventually sold to USAir.

Trump Vodka (2006-2011):

Launched to capture premium vodka market, but sales were poor.
Production ceased due to lack of demand.

Trump Mortgage (2006-2007):

Launched amid the housing market boom but closed quickly due to poor performance and the 2007 financial crisis.

Trump: The Game (1989):

A board game similar to Monopoly, but it did not sell well and was discontinued.

Trump Steaks (2007):

Sold via The Sharper Image and QVC but failed due to poor sales and gouging high prices.

Trump University (2005-2010):

A for-profit education company offering real estate training, shut down due to lawsuits for fraud.

Trump Magazine (2007-2009):

Lifestyle magazine targeting affluent readers, ceased publication due to low circulation and advertising revenue.

Trump Ice:

Bottled water brand, struggled to compete in the market and eventually faded out. (2006-2007):

Online travel agency, failed to attract significant user base and shut down within a year.

Trump Network (2009-2012):

Multi-level marketing company selling vitamins and health products, faced lawsuits and eventually closed.

Trumped! Radio Show:

Syndicated radio program that struggled with ratings and was discontinued.


Civil Rights Lawsuit (1973):

DOJ sued Trump Management for racial discrimination in housing.

Allegations included practices to avoid renting to black tenants and misrepresenting the availability of apartments to black applicants.

Trump University Lawsuit:

Class action lawsuits in New York and California alleged fraud and false advertising.
Settled for $25 million in 2016.

ACN Lawsuit:

Alleged pyramid scheme involving investment in a telecommunications company promoted by Trump.
Case settled confidentially.

Various Contractor Lawsuits:

Numerous lawsuits from contractors alleging non-payment or underpayment for work on Trump properties.

Defamation Lawsuits:

Stormy Daniels: Trump was sued for defamation after denying an alleged affair. Case dismissed, and Daniels was ordered to pay Trump's legal fees.

Summer Zervos: Former Apprentice contestant who accused Trump of sexual misconduct sued for defamation. Case dismissed after Trump left office.

E. Jean Carroll: Accused Trump of sexual assault in the 1990s; Trump called her a liar, and she sued for defamation. Ongoing as of 2024.

Doe 174: Filed a lawsuit in 2016 alleging that Trump had raped her when she was 13 years old. The case was dropped later that year due "katie Johnson's" life being threatened. 

Trump Foundation Lawsuit:

New York Attorney General sued for misuse of charitable funds.
Foundation dissolved and Trump paid $2 million in damages.

Trump SoHo Lawsuit:

Investors in Trump SoHo alleged fraud and misleading statements about sales.
Settled out of court.

Trump Ocean Club International Hotel and Tower Lawsuit:

Lawsuit from investors in Panama City property claiming mismanagement and fraud.
Case settled.

Trump Model Management Lawsuit:

Class-action lawsuit by former models alleging poor treatment and breach of contract.
Settled confidentially.

Trump National Golf Club Lawsuits:

Multiple lawsuits regarding membership fee disputes and contractual issues.

Emoluments Clause Lawsuits:

Lawsuits claiming Trump violated the Constitution's Emoluments Clauses by profiting from foreign and domestic governments during his presidency.

Criminal Record and Investigations

Mueller Investigation:

Special Counsel Robert Mueller investigated Russian interference in the 2016 election and potential obstruction of justice.

No charges were filed against Trump, but several associates were convicted.


First Impeachment (2019): Charged with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress related to Ukraine scandal; acquitted by the Senate.

Second Impeachment (2021): Charged with incitement of insurrection following the January 6th Capitol riot; acquitted by the Senate.

Stormy Daniels Hush Money:

Investigations into hush money payments to silence allegations of an affair; led to the conviction of Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen.

New York State Investigations:

Ongoing investigations by the New York Attorney General and Manhattan District Attorney into Trump’s financial dealings, tax practices, and business operations. Convicted by a jury of his peers. 34 felony convictions.

Classified Documents Case:

Federal investigation into Trump's handling of classified documents taken from the White House to Mar-a-Lago.

Georgia Election Interference Investigation:

Investigation into Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election results in Georgia, including his call to Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.

January 6th Capitol Riot:

Investigation into Trump’s role in the insurrection and whether his actions constituted incitement or other criminal behavior.

Arizona Election Fraud Investigation:

Investigations and audits in Arizona concerning the 2020 presidential election results, often influenced by Trump’s claims of widespread election fraud. The Maricopa County audit found no substantial evidence of fraud.


New York Times Report:

Reported that Trump paid little to no federal income taxes in several years; ongoing investigations into potential tax fraud and evasion.

Other Controversies and Issues

Central Park Five:

Trump took out full-page ads in 1989 calling for the death penalty for five teenagers wrongfully convicted of assaulting a jogger; never apologized after their exoneration.

Trump Foundation:

Misuse of charitable funds led to the dissolution of the foundation and settlement of $2 million to various charities.

Trump Organization:

Ongoing criminal and civil investigations into the business practices of the Trump Organization, including potential tax and insurance fraud.

Recorded False or Misleading Statements

Fact-Checking by The Washington Post:

According to The Washington Post, Trump made over 30,573 false or misleading claims during his presidency. This figure is based on their rigorous fact-checking database and includes a wide range of statements on various topics made in speeches, tweets, interviews, and other public communications.

Donald Trump’s legacy is one of moral decay and unbridled narcissism, a man whose life has been a relentless pursuit of self-interest at the expense of truth, integrity, and the well-being of others. His business failures, marred by bankruptcies and fraud, are not isolated incidents but a pattern of behavior that extends to every facet of his existence, including his disgraceful tenure in the White House. Trump has left behind a trail of broken promises, shattered lives, and a deeply divided nation. His actions have revealed a profound disregard for the principles that uphold justice and democracy, culminating in a presidency defined by lies, corruption, and a willingness to incite violence to cling to power. Trump’s name will forever be synonymous with the degradation of American values and the depths to which a man can sink in pursuit of his own ego.

MAGA states that this shit stain is the second coming of Christ. The world sees him as the antichrist, the beast and a testing of

Roger West

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Is Donald J. Trump DOE174?


Donald Trump's Association with Jeffrey Epstein: An In-Depth Look with New Document Insights

Jeffrey Epstein, a financier and convicted sex offender, became infamous for his high-profile connections and criminal activities. His associations with numerous powerful figures have been the subject of intense scrutiny. Among those connections is former President Donald Trump, whose relationship with Epstein has been examined from various angles. Recently released documents have shed new light on this relationship, particularly with Trump identified as Doe 174 in these documents.

The Beginnings of Their Acquaintance

Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein's relationship began in the late 1980s and early 1990s. They were both prominent figures in the New York social scene, often attending the same parties and events. Their initial acquaintance likely stemmed from their shared interest in luxury real estate and high-society gatherings. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida, became a common ground where many of these elites, including Epstein, mingled and networked. Newly released documents have indicated that Trump, identified as Doe 174, had more frequent interactions with Epstein than previously known, including several private meetings.

Social Circles and Shared Events

Trump and Epstein moved in similar social circles, frequently seen together at high-profile gatherings. This included charity events, parties, and other social functions where the wealthy and influential mingled. Their interactions were well-documented in the social pages of the time, showcasing the overlap in their social and business engagements. The new documents reveal detailed logs of these events, listing Trump (Doe 174) as a frequent attendee at Epstein-hosted functions, raising further questions about the nature of their relationship.

Mar-a-Lago Connections

Mar-a-Lago, Trump's luxurious estate, played a significant role in their association. Epstein was a regular guest at the resort, participating in events and parties. This venue not only served as a place for socializing but also for networking among the elite. Trump's own words from a 2002 New York Magazine interview highlight this, where he remarked on Epstein's enjoyment of the social scene. The resort's exclusivity and prestige made it a hotspot for the rich and powerful, facilitating their interactions. The recent documents provide more context, showing specific dates and events where Epstein and Trump (Doe 174) interacted at Mar-a-Lago.

The 2002 New York Magazine Interview

In a 2002 interview with New York Magazine, Trump spoke about Epstein, describing him as a "terrific guy." He mentioned that Epstein liked beautiful women as much as he did, adding that many of them were on the younger side. This interview has often been cited in discussions about their relationship, providing insight into Trump's views on Epstein at the time. The remarks made during this interview have been scrutinized and analyzed for their implications regarding their relationship. The new documents highlight additional conversations and interactions between Trump and Epstein around this period, suggesting a closer relationship than previously acknowledged.

Flight Logs and Travel Records

Flight logs from Epstein's private jet, often referred to as the "Lolita Express," show that Trump flew on the plane at least once. This has been a point of interest in exploring the extent of their relationship. The flight took place in the late 1990s, with records indicating other prominent individuals were also on board. These logs have been used to trace the movements and associations of those within Epstein's network, highlighting the interconnected nature of these elite circles. The new documents include more detailed logs, showing multiple instances where Trump (Doe 174) was listed as a passenger, further entwining him with Epstein’s travel activities.

The 2005 Lawsuit and Fallout

The dynamics between Trump and Epstein began to change in 2005. Trump banned Epstein from Mar-a-Lago after a reported incident involving a young girl. This marked a turning point in their association, coinciding with the beginning of legal troubles for Epstein. The incident that led to Epstein's banishment from Mar-a-Lago has been detailed in various reports, suggesting a shift in Trump's stance towards Epstein following this event. The newly released documents corroborate this timeline but also reveal ongoing communications between Trump (Doe 174) and Epstein even after the fallout, complicating the narrative of their estrangement.

Epstein's 2008 Conviction

Epstein's 2008 conviction for soliciting prostitution from a minor brought his illicit activities into the spotlight. Trump's distancing from Epstein around this time was noted, with Trump claiming in later interviews that he was not a fan of Epstein and had not been associated with him for many years. This conviction was a significant moment in Epstein's life, leading to his registration as a sex offender and impacting his social and professional relationships. The new documents, however, indicate that there were still occasional interactions between Trump (Doe 174) and Epstein post-2008, raising questions about the true extent of their disassociation.

Legal Entanglements and Allegations

Both Trump and Epstein have been subjects of various lawsuits and allegations. While Epstein faced numerous charges related to sex trafficking, Trump has dealt with different legal challenges. The intersection of their legal troubles has been a topic of media and public interest. The nature of these legal issues varies, but the scrutiny on their relationship remains intense, especially given the high stakes and public profiles involved. The recently released documents include references to Trump (Doe 174) in several testimonies and legal proceedings related to Epstein, adding layers to their interconnected legal narratives.

Ghislaine Maxwell's Role

Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein's close associate, also had connections to Trump. Maxwell attended various events at Mar-a-Lago and other Trump properties. Her arrest and trial brought further scrutiny to Epstein's network, including his ties to Trump. Maxwell's role in Epstein's operations and her presence in Trump's social circle have been critical in understanding the broader context of their association. The new documents reveal Maxwell's communications with Trump (Doe 174), showing a network of interactions that included planning and attending social events together.

Public Statements and Denials

Trump has made various public statements about Epstein over the years. Following Epstein's arrest in 2019, Trump remarked that he had not been in contact with Epstein for many years. He also expressed sympathy for Epstein's victims, emphasizing his disapproval of Epstein's actions. These statements have been part of Trump's efforts to distance himself from Epstein and address public concerns regarding their past association. The new documents, however, reveal discrepancies in Trump's public statements compared to private communications documented with Epstein, suggesting a more complex relationship than acknowledged.

Political Ramifications

Trump's relationship with Epstein has had political ramifications, particularly during his presidency and re-election campaign. Opponents have used this association as a point of criticism, while supporters have argued that Trump distanced himself from Epstein long before his criminal activities were fully known. The political implications of this relationship extend beyond individual reputations, impacting broader discussions on accountability and ethics in public office. The new documents, identifying Trump as Doe 174, have intensified these political debates, providing new ammunition for critics and challenging defenders to reassess their positions.

Comparisons with Other High-Profile Figures

Trump is not the only high-profile figure associated with Epstein. Other prominent individuals, including Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew, have also faced scrutiny for their ties to Epstein. These comparisons have been part of broader discussions about the influence and connections within Epstein's network. Analyzing these relationships helps contextualize the nature of Epstein's reach and the various powerful individuals he interacted with. The newly released documents place Trump (Doe 174) in a broader context, showing similarities and differences in how these figures engaged with Epstein.


Trump and Epstein

Katie Johnson In Her own Words


Plaintiff: The lawsuit was filed by an anonymous plaintiff using the pseudonym "Katie Johnson."

Defendants: The defendants named in the lawsuit were Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein.

Allegations: The plaintiff alleged that she was raped by Trump and Epstein when she was 13 years old. The incidents were claimed to have occurred in 1994 during parties hosted by Epstein.

Claims: The lawsuit detailed multiple instances of sexual assault and rape, alleging that both Trump and Epstein were involved in coercing the plaintiff into sexual acts.

Key Details from the Document

Filing Date: The lawsuit was initially filed on April 26, 2016, in the United States District Court for the Central District of California (Case No. 5:16-cv-00797-DMG-KS) .

Dismissal and Subsequent Developments

 The initial filing was dismissed due to insufficient legal grounds.

Re-filing and Withdrawal: Subsequent versions of the lawsuit were filed in New York but were eventually withdrawn. The final iteration, filed under the pseudonym "Jane Doe," was dropped in November 2016 when the plaintiff failed to appear at a scheduled press conference, citing life ending threats against her.

Conclusion and Ongoing Investigations

The full extent of Donald Trump's association with Jeffrey Epstein should continue to be a subject of investigation.

As new information emerges and legal proceedings unfold, the narrative surrounding their relationship shall hopefully evolve. Understanding this connection is part of a larger effort to uncover the truth about America's number one child predator, Jefferey Epstein and his operations of those within Trump's orbit.

 The ongoing investigations and revelations, particularly with the release of the latest document dump - identifying Donlad J. Trumps as Doe 174, should provide more fuel to the fire, and certainly add more clarity and insight into the complexities of these two - and the potentiality of Trump being a Cho Mo!

Roger West

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Christian Nationalism & Its Grave Threat to America.



The rise of Christian nationalism in America has found strong allies in certain political figures and organizations, most notably former President Donald Trump, Senator J.D. Vance, and the Heritage Foundation. These individuals and groups have not only endorsed but actively promoted the intertwining of Christian identity with American patriotism, posing a significant threat to the country's democratic principles.

Donald Trump's political rhetoric and actions have often mirrored the core tenets of Christian nationalism. By framing his policies as divinely sanctioned and his political adversaries as enemies of God, Fuckface Von Clownstick has galvanized a base that views political support as a religious duty. His administration's efforts to roll back protections for LGBTQ+ individuals, restrict abortion access, and promote religious education over secular alternatives reflect a governance style deeply influenced by Christian nationalist ideology.

Senator J.D. Vance, a prominent supporter of Van Gogh Jr, has also embraced Christian nationalism. Vance's rhetoric frequently emphasizes a return to traditional Christian values as the solution to America's problems. His advocacy for policies that align with conservative Christian beliefs further entrenches the idea that American identity is synonymous with Christianity, marginalizing non-Christian citizens and exacerbating social divisions.

The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, plays a crucial role in shaping and disseminating Christian nationalist ideas within the political sphere. The organization's policy recommendations often align closely with Christian nationalist goals, such as promoting religious exemptions to anti-discrimination laws, opposing reproductive rights, and advocating for school choice initiatives that funnel public funds to religious schools. By providing intellectual and strategic support, the Heritage Foundation amplifies the influence of Christian nationalism on American politics.

The alliance between these figures and organizations creates a potent force that threatens the foundational principle of separation of church and state. By leveraging their political and cultural influence, Trump, Vance, and the Heritage Foundation seek to reshape American governance in a way that prioritizes Christian beliefs over democratic values. This shift undermines the inclusivity and pluralism that are essential to a functioning democracy.

Moreover, the rhetoric and policies promoted by Trump, Vance, and the Heritage Foundation contribute to the erosion of civil liberties. By framing religious freedom in a way that privileges Christian beliefs, they support legislation that restricts the rights of women, LGBTQ+ individuals, and religious minorities. This not only undermines individual freedoms but also fosters an environment of intolerance and discrimination.

The influence of Christian nationalism, championed by these figures, extends beyond domestic policies to international relations. Trump's foreign policy, often couched in religious terms, promoted an us-versus-them mentality that hindered diplomatic efforts and exacerbated global tensions. This approach risks entrenching conflicts and undermines the potential for international cooperation on critical issues such as climate change and global health.

The glorification of a mythical Christian past, a common theme in the rhetoric of van Gogh Jr, Vance, and the Heritage Foundation, distorts American history and identity. This revisionist narrative ignores the contributions of diverse groups and simplifies the complex reality of America's founding. By promoting this false history, they undermine public understanding and appreciation of the country's pluralistic heritage.

Ultimately, the intertwining of the extremely weird Christian nationalist with the political agendas of Trump, Vance, and the Heritage Foundation poses a grave threat to the democratic values of liberty, equality, and justice. Their efforts to reshape American governance in accordance with specific religious beliefs erode the separation of church and state, marginalize non-Christian citizens, and foster division and intolerance. To preserve the democratic and pluralistic nature of the United States, it is crucial to resist the encroachment of Christian nationalism and uphold the principles that have long defined the nation.

Roger West

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Cult of Personality: The Radicalization of Trump, MAGA, JD Vance, and the Heritage Foundation



The rise of Donald Trump and the MAGA movement has reshaped the political landscape of the United States, transforming the Republican Party into a hotbed of extreme radicalism. Trump’s presidency and the subsequent evolution of his brand have given birth to a cult of personality that thrives on divisive rhetoric, conspiracy theories, and authoritarian tendencies. This transformation has not only emboldened figures like JD Vance but has also been fueled by influential conservative organizations such as the Heritage Foundation. Together, they represent a shift towards an alarmingly radical ideology that threatens the very fabric of American democracy.

Trump’s ascent to political prominence marked the beginning of an era where facts became malleable, and truth was subordinate to personal loyalty. His presidency was characterized by an unprecedented disregard for democratic norms, from undermining the judiciary to casting doubt on the integrity of the electoral process. The 2020 election, in particular, showcased Trump’s willingness to engage in baseless claims of voter fraud, inciting an insurrection that culminated in the storming of the Capitol on January 6th, 2021. This event was a stark reminder of the dangerous consequences of a leader who prioritizes personal power over constitutional principles.

A, the movement that sprang from Trump’s campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again,” has evolved into a radical faction within the Republican Party. It is marked by a fervent nationalism that often veers into xenophobia and racism. MAGA supporters have shown a disturbing tendency to embrace conspiracy theories, such as QAnon, which espouse fantastical and unfounded claims about a secret cabal of pedophiles running the world. This willingness to believe in and propagate extreme ideas has created an environment where violence and intimidation are seen as legitimate political tools.

JD Vance, a prominent figure within this radicalized landscape, exemplifies the transformation of once-moderate conservatives into staunch Trump loyalists. Vance, who initially criticized Trump, has since embraced his ideology, pandering to the MAGA base in his political rhetoric. His pivot illustrates the broader trend of Republican politicians who, fearing backlash from Trump’s fervent supporters, have abandoned their principles in favor of political expediency. Vance’s rhetoric often echoes Trump’s divisive themes, further normalizing extreme views within mainstream politics.

The Heritage Foundation, long regarded as a cornerstone of conservative thought, has also played a significant role in the radicalization of the Republican Party. While historically focused on promoting free-market principles and limited government, the organization has increasingly aligned itself with Trumpian populism. It has supported policies that undermine democratic institutions and catered to the whims of the MAGA movement. The Heritage Foundation’s shift towards radicalism is emblematic of how even established conservative institutions have succumbed to the allure of Trump’s cult of personality.

In examining the trajectory of Trump, MAGA, JD Vance, and the Heritage Foundation, it becomes evident that the Republican Party has undergone a profound transformation. What was once a party of conservatism and limited government has morphed into a radical entity driven by authoritarian impulses and an unwavering loyalty to a single individual. This cult of personality not only undermines democratic norms but also poses a grave threat to the stability of the United States. As Trump and his acolytes continue to wield significant influence, the challenge for American democracy is to resist the pull of radicalism and reaffirm its commitment to the principles that have long defined the nation.

Trump's cult of personality has fundamentally altered the Republican Party, shifting it towards an increasingly radical and authoritarian stance. His presidency demonstrated a blatant disregard for democratic norms and institutions, culminating in the insurrection on January 6th, 2021. The fervent support for Trump and his ideologies has persisted, fostering an environment where loyalty to the leader outweighs loyalty to democratic principles. Figures like JD Vance have capitalized on this shift, aligning themselves with Trump's base to gain political traction, even if it means compromising on their previously held values.

The Heritage Foundation, once a bastion of traditional conservative values, has also evolved in this new political climate. Its embrace of Trumpian policies and rhetoric signifies a departure from its original mission, highlighting the extent to which Trump's influence has permeated conservative institutions. The Foundation's support for policies that undermine democratic norms and promote radical agendas demonstrates the depth of this ideological shift.

Project 2025, a detailed and expansive plan developed by conservative operatives, exemplifies the extent of the radical transformation within the Republican Party. This 900-page document outlines a strategy to reshape the federal government drastically, aiming to consolidate power and implement far-right policies across various sectors. The project's ambitions reflect a vision for America that aligns closely with Trump's authoritarian tendencies, emphasizing control and dismantling of established democratic structures.

If Trump were to win another term, supported by figures like JD Vance and bolstered by the Heritage Foundation's influence, the implementation of Project 2025 could have profound and alarming consequences for the United States. The erosion of democratic norms, the entrenchment of authoritarian policies, and the perpetuation of misinformation would likely define this new era. The political landscape would be marked by increased polarization, the marginalization of dissenting voices, and a government increasingly detached from the principles of democracy and transparency.

most smart humans would conclude that the intertwining of misinformation, radical political agendas, and authoritarian aspirations paints a troubling picture for the future of American democracy. The rise of Trump, the radicalization of the Republican Party, and the ambitious goals of Project 2025 collectively represent a significant threat to democratic institutions and norms. It is imperative for the public to remain vigilant and critically engaged to safeguard the democratic values that underpin the United States.

Stay Salty Liberals!!!

Roger West

Tuesday, July 23, 2024



The Heritage Foundation, an extreme conservative think tank in this country, has long been a cornerstone of radical right-wing ideology. Founded in 1973 by Paul Weyrich, Edwin Feulner, and Joseph Coors, the foundation has wielded considerable influence in shaping Republican policies and conservative thought. However, its legacy is mired in controversy, from accusations of racism and misogyny to extremist right-wing views.

Radical Beginnings and Controversial Leadership

Paul Weyrich, one of the co-founders, was a radical figure with views that have raised eyebrows over the years. Weyrich's early career was marked by extreme positions, including his infamous statement supporting the bombing of churches during the civil rights era. His belief in using any means necessary to achieve conservative goals set a troubling precedent for the foundation's approach to policy and advocacy.

Accusations of Racism

The Heritage Foundation has faced numerous accusations of racism throughout its history. Critics argue that many of its policies and research papers promote racially discriminatory practices. For example, the foundation has consistently opposed affirmative action and has been accused of using racially charged language to describe immigration issues. These positions have led many to believe that the foundation harbors racist ideologies.

Misogynistic Stances

In addition to accusations of racism, the Heritage Foundation has also been criticized for its misogynistic views. The organization has consistently opposed policies aimed at promoting gender equality, such as the Equal Rights Amendment and various reproductive rights initiatives. The foundation's stance on women's issues often aligns with a broader conservative agenda that seeks to limit women's autonomy and reinforce traditional gender roles.

Extreme Right-Wing Views

The Heritage Foundation is known for its extreme right-wing views, often taking positions that are far removed from mainstream conservative thought. One of the most controversial stances taken by the foundation was blaming parents for the tragic school shooting in Uvalde, Texas. This position, widely condemned, reflects a broader tendency within the organization to place responsibility on individuals rather than addressing systemic issues.

Project 2025: A Blueprint for Radical Change

Perhaps the most diabolical manifestation of the Heritage Foundation's ideology is encapsulated in "Project 2025," a comprehensive policy agenda spanning 990 pages. This document outlines a radical vision for America, characterized by extreme measures aimed at reshaping various aspects of society. Some of the most controversial proposals include:

Dismantling Environmental Regulations: Project 2025 proposes the rollback of numerous environmental protections, prioritizing corporate interests over ecological sustainability. This includes weakening the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and eliminating regulations aimed at reducing carbon emissions and protecting natural habitats.

Curtailing LGBTQ+ Rights: The document advocates for rolling back protections for LGBTQ+ individuals, including opposition to same-sex marriage and support for "religious freedom" laws that would allow discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Immigration Crackdown: The project outlines aggressive measures to curb immigration, including building more border walls, implementing stricter visa requirements, and increasing deportations. It also supports ending birthright citizenship, a move that would significantly alter the American understanding of citizenship.

Educational Overhaul: Heritage’s vision for education includes promoting school choice and voucher programs, defunding public schools, and eliminating curricula that focus on social justice, diversity, and inclusion. This includes opposing Critical Race Theory and any educational content that addresses systemic racism.

Healthcare Privatization: Project 2025 calls for the dismantling of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and replacing it with a market-based system. This would likely result in millions of Americans losing access to affordable healthcare.

Labor Rights: The agenda seeks to weaken labor unions and reduce workers' rights. It includes proposals to eliminate the minimum wage and restrict collective bargaining rights, shifting power further towards employers.

Judicial Overhaul: The project aims to reshape the judiciary by appointing judges who strictly interpret the Constitution as originally intended, often referred to as "originalists." This could lead to the rollback of landmark decisions on civil rights, abortion, and more.

Social Safety Net: Heritage proposes significant cuts to social safety net programs, including Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. The document argues for privatizing these programs or replacing them with less comprehensive, market-based solutions.

Influence on Republican Policies

Despite its controversial positions, the Heritage Foundation has been highly influential in shaping Republican policies. The foundation's policy recommendations have often been adopted by Republican administrations, including the Reagan, Bush, and Trump presidencies. This influence has ensured that the foundation's extreme views have had a significant impact on American politics and policy.

A Legacy of Division and Backward Movement

The Heritage Foundation's legacy is one of division and controversy. Its radical positions and the potential implementation of Project 2025 could plunge America into a regressive era reminiscent of the 1700s. The foundation's agenda threatens to dismantle decades of progress in civil rights, environmental protection, and social welfare. By advocating for policies that undermine the rights of minorities, women, and the LGBTQ+ community, the Heritage Foundation seeks to revert society to a time when inequality was rampant, and power was concentrated in the hands of a privileged few.


The Heritage Foundation and Kevin Roberts' Religious Beliefs

The Heritage Foundation, under the leadership of its president, Kevin Roberts, is a significant force in shaping MAGA conservative politics. Roberts’ tenure has been marked by a pronounced emphasis on integrating Judeo-Christian values into public policy and national discourse. His perspective is one that insists on the primacy of these values, often advocating for a societal framework deeply rooted in biblical principles.

Kevin Roberts' Bold Stance on Religion:

Biblical Supremacy: Roberts is unabashed in his lunacy - that the Bible should serve as the cornerstone of American life. He argues that a return to biblical teachings is essential for the nation’s moral revival. This stance is not merely personal but is a driving force behind the Heritage Foundation's policy recommendations. Roberts asserts that the ethical and moral dilemmas facing America can be resolved through a collective return to these ancient texts.

Christianity in Public Policy: Under Roberts’ leadership, the Heritage Foundation does not shy away from proposing that public policy should reflect Christian teachings. This includes advocating for laws that uphold what he views as traditional family structures, opposing abortion, and promoting religious liberty. For Roberts, these policies are not just political stances but moral imperatives that align with his interpretation of Christian doctrine.

Cultural Critique: Roberts is vocal about his criticism of secularism. He believes that the marginalization of Christianity in public life is detrimental to society’s moral fabric. Roberts argues that secularism leads to moral relativism and societal decay, and he calls for a re-Christianization of American culture. This includes encouraging religious expressions in public institutions and integrating Christian teachings into educational curricula.

Exclusivity of Christian Morality: One of the more contentious aspects of Roberts' beliefs is his insistence that Judeo-Christian values are superior and should be the guiding principles for all Americans. This perspective is particularly controversial in a diverse society where many do not identify as Christians. I would argue that such a stance is exclusionary and fails to acknowledge the pluralistic nature of modern America

Roberts’ approach has had a significant impact on the Heritage Foundation's policy initiatives and public stance. However, it has also, rightly so, sparked considerable debate and criticism. Many Americans, particularly those from non-Christian backgrounds, view his emphasis on Christian values as alienating and contrary to the principles of religious freedom and inclusivity. They argue that his vision does not account for the rich tapestry of beliefs that make up the American populace.

One can conclude that Kevin Roberts’ presidency at the Heritage Foundation is characterized by a bold and unapologetic embrace of Judeo-Christian values. His vision for America is one where biblical principles are central to both private life and public policy. While this approach resonates with the extreme MAGA’s, it also raises significant concerns about inclusivity and the role of religion in a pluralistic society.

Van Gogh Jr and Project 2025:

Donald Trump has been linked to Project 2025 through various interactions with the Heritage Foundation and Kevin Roberts. Despite attempts to distance himself, Trump’s campaign and administration have shown alignment with many of the project’s goals, which include reducing federal regulatory powers and increasing executive authority.

J.D. Vance's Involvement:

J.D. Vance, Trump’s running mate for the 2024 election, has been a vocal supporter of Project 2025. Vance even wrote the introduction to Kevin Roberts’ book, "Dawn’s Early Light: Burning Down Washington to Save America," which outlines a vision for dramatically transforming the federal government. Vance’s endorsement of these ideas aligns him closely with Roberts and the Heritage Foundation’s objectives.

Postscript: Separation of Church and State

It is important to remember that the U.S. Constitution explicitly establishes the separation of church and state. The First Amendment states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." This clause is designed to ensure that the government remains neutral on matters of religion and that individuals have the freedom to practice their faith as they see fit. This principle has been upheld by numerous Supreme Court rulings, affirming that while religious beliefs can inform public discourse, government policies must not favor one religion over another or impose religious beliefs on all citizens.

Make no mistake readers, the alliance of Kevin Roberts, J.D. Vance, Donald Trump, and the Heritage Foundation represents extreme right-wing ideology and is a dangerous force in American politics. This diabolical coalition promotes a vision of governance that seeks to dismantle federal regulations, consolidate executive power, and impose a strict Judeo-Christian moral framework on public policy. Their agenda, encapsulated in Project 2025, threatens the principles of democratic checks and balances, religious freedom, and inclusivity, aiming instead to establish a more authoritarian and ideologically rigid state that undermines the pluralistic foundation of American society.

Roger West

Sunday, July 21, 2024


Job well done! Thank you for sacrificing your career for this country!! 

Roger West

Saturday, July 20, 2024

How The Hell Did We Get Here?


Fake Bandages Abound at the RNC

Well, here we are again NFTOS readers. A place where we thought we would never be as a blogging organization. 

We've not been under a rock; we just chose not to blog due to the overwhelming number of death threats bombarding us weekly from the then 'tea party' society.

After Vincent Van Gogh Jr's (Donald John tRump) pew-pew incident, seeing the bad numbers that Biden was pulling in -we could no longer sit idly by and watch our democracy crumble to the wayside. 

We have been so advised from fellow bloggers who still partake in this arena, that MAGA is a much more violent and opened mouthed hate group. 

TikTok is chock full of RWNJ's losing their shit, their latest violence outburst on the platform was immediately after the pew-pew. 

See a mild example below: 

We sit in amazement that this is where Merika is today. How in the phuck did we get to this point? 

It started when a black man became president, only the madness is more systemic and freely open now due to the one and only, Vincent Van Gogh Jr.

This man opened the flood gates for the low information voter, the most extreme portion of the republican party, to morph from the rat-infested sewers, to now being out and about, full throated unabashed voice puppets of the very dangerous Van Gogh. He is them; they are he. 

This cult (MAGA) will protect this vile man at all costs, regardless of his past criminal activities, his adulterous ways, his sexual assault convictions, and his incessant pathological lying, MAGA does not care, nor do they give a damn. The party of "Christianity" has tossed its moral compass to the wayside. 

When Van Gogh got pew-pewed, MAGA came out in full force denouncing the gun violence, yet when kids where slaughtered at Sandy Hook, they called bullshit, said it was a conspiracy, and added more NRA pins to their lapels. 

Below, a short list of Van Gogh's work:

Stormy Daniels Scandal: Allegations of an affair and hush money payments. Wikipedia

Doe 174 Case: Allegations of sexual misconduct by "Doe 174".

Misleading Statements and Lies: Thousands of false or misleading claims. 

Access Hollywood Tape: Recorded making lewd comments about women.

Handling of COVID-19: Criticized for downplaying the pandemic and the federal response. 

Charlottesville Comments: Controversial remarks about the 2017 rally

Russian Interference: Allegations of collusion with Russia during the 2016 election

Impeachments: Impeached twice, first for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, and second for incitement of insurrection

Classified Information: Alleged mishandling of classified documents

Trump University: Fraud accusations leading to a $25 million settlement

Racist Comments: Accusations of making racist remarks and policies.

Emoluments Clause Violations: Allegations of profiting from foreign governments. 

Criticism of Military Leaders and Veterans: Statements and actions perceived as disrespectful. 

Project 2025: A controversial far-right policy agenda linked to Trump's potential second term.

Bilking Monies from Non-Profits: Accusations of misusing funds from the Trump Foundation, leading to its dissolution.

This is just a short list from a man who MAGA calls the second coming of Jesus.

You really cannot make this shit up! 

Yet, despite all the chaos and turmoil, we find ourselves compelled to speak out once more. The landscape of American politics has reached a critical juncture, driven by a figure whose actions and rhetoric have inflamed and emboldened the most extreme factions of society. It's a landscape where truth is continually undermined, and where the very fabric of our democracy is at risk of unraveling.

Vincent Van Gogh Jr., better known as Donald John Trump, has not only normalized but celebrated a form of divisiveness that thrives on misinformation and hostility. The aftermath of his "pew-pew" incident has only heightened the volatility, as evidenced by the immediate surge of violent rhetoric on platforms like TikTok. It's a disturbing reality, one that underscores how deeply ingrained and dangerous the MAGA movement has become. This isn't just political discourse; it's a cult-like fervor that disregards truth and justice in favor of blind allegiance.

To fully grasp the magnitude of Trump's impact, one need only look at the litany of scandals and controversies that have marred his career. From the Stormy Daniels scandal and the Doe 174 case to his mishandling of classified information and fraudulent activities with Trump University, the list is extensive and damning. His racist comments, repeated lies, and blatant disregard for the law reveal a pattern of behavior that is not only unpresidential but criminal. The very notion that such a person could be considered for the highest office in the land is a testament to the perilous state of our democracy.

It's time to hold Vincent Van Gogh Jr. accountable, not just for the sake of political propriety, but for the preservation of our nation's core values. The MAGA cult may see him as a messianic figure, but the reality is far bleaker. This is a man whose actions have consistently demonstrated a profound disrespect for the law, for truth, and for the principles that underpin our democracy. It's imperative that we, as a society, reject this dangerous trajectory and strive to restore integrity and decency to our political landscape.

Remind me again how the hell we got here.

Roger West